Food & Drink Magazine

Gluten Free Menu Plan: January 26-February 1, 2014

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

live-wellI’m busier than ever baking, editing my second cookbook, and expanding my blog and bakery. I’m making making major moves and trying to keep as healthy as humanly possible so my fragile body can (almost) keep up. Cooking whole, real, and clean food from scratch is one of the many ways I live healthy.| as challenging as it seems sometimes. Good things in equals good things out. Every little bit helps. With careful planning, patience, and persistence all of us can maintain a healthy diet without sacrificing taste. Get into the scones, winter soups, sweet potatoes and tofu featured in this week’s menu.

Live well. Eat Well. Be Well
the gluten free chef


Black Pepper Cinnamon Scones

Black Pepper Scones

Banana Carrot & Spinach Smoothie

banana carrot spinach

Apple Chai Spice Breakfast Quinoa

Apple Chai Spiced Quinoa

Egg Tomato & Scallion Sandwich w/Udi’s Bagels (Recipe & Photo courtesy of Skinnytaste)

egg sandwich

Sweet Potato & Tofu Hash (Recipe & Photo courtesy of

sweet potato tofu-hash

Rices Cakes with Peanut Butter + Jam & Almond Milk

Rice Cakes


Succotash of Corn, Apple, & Curry Cabbage w/Crispy Tofu

Succotash of Corn, Apple & Cabbage

Artichoke Chicken


Baby Bok Choy Soup / Garlic (Recipe & Photo courtesy of OhMyVeggies)

bok choy soup

Veggie Taco Salad (cheese optional)

Taco Salad

Peanut Soup (Recipe & Photo courtesy of OhMyVeggies)

african peanut soup

Pan-Fried Tofu Burgers w/ Tatar Tots

TOfu Burger I

Dessert of the Week: Lighter Dark Chocolate Mousse (Recipe courtesy of An Edible Mosaic) (Photo courtesy of BonAppetit)

classic chocolate mousse-6461

For more gluten free menu planning ideas visit Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures

For paleo, gluten, & dairy free recipes visit Elana’s Pantry

For recipes that combine whole foods with Weight Watcher’s savvy visit Everyday Maven

For lunch ideas visit Oh My Veggies

For lunch box and super kid friendly recipe ideas visit I’m A Celiac

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