Food & Drink Magazine

Gluten Free Commentary: Ready. Set. Cut

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Happy Thursday everyone! We have had a whirlwind of a week and each day continues to amaze. Our official ribbon cutting ceremony went down yesterday and it was a surreal, overwhelming, and truly A+mazing experience. We were blown away by the out pouring of support by the City of Rochester. Our family and friends were by our side every step of the way and for that we are truly thankful. To finally and officially be living out this dream is truly indescribable so as to not allow myself to get all chocked up again, I’ll let you view our week thus far in photo.

ribbon cutting
Meeting the press and setting up for our official City of Rochester Ribbon Cut

ribbon cut

3…2…1 Ribbon Cut!

ribbon cut interview

Blossom and I scared and stunned as we chat with FOX News

ribbon cut interview

The more angles the better!

ribbon cut photo

Catching my breath after the festivities


Say Cheese! Blossom and Mama Cindy basking in the light of success


It’s official! We made it!

And a special thanks to Fox News, Time Warner Cable News and the Democrat and Chronicle for the awesome media coverage.

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