We use energy to speed up processes or to get more horsepower. Let´s focus on slowing down processes. If we could slow down the need for speed and efficiency, we could reduce the need for fossil energy.
What if we could have all the time in the world?

What IF time isn’t money? What if we could slow down our lives and the spinning of the world? Wouldn’t that drastically reduce energy consumption?
Let´s do some IF´s. What would become now possible, attractive, practical, cheaper, simpler?

IF we would have two weeks more holiday, could we walk, bike or go by train to our destination, instead of using aeroplanes?
What IF we had pedal cars and trams, propelled by the passengers.
What IF we had time to regenerate the environment when we travel?
What IF shopping by car is made more time-consuming than by foot or bicycle?
What IF preparing food is made a daily exercise in mindfullness?

What IF we had time to explore quantum computing NOW. Quantum computers use significantly less energy, which could lead to lower costs and decreased fossil-fuel dependency as adoption grows.

What IF we had time to weed without using chemicals?
What IF we could let pigs clear land instead of machines?
What IF we organized car races where those who stay in the race the longest, will win the race?
What IF competitions were held in small coastal towns and you had to swim there to compete?
Another Option: Create Time

What IF we could create time? If we could create time, then there would less need to use energy to speed up processes.
Another Option: Add Time
What if we added time to make the use of certain products or services more unattractive?
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