it's just a thought, as are most things on this Free Planet (free thought) blog, "Global warming (sic) and cell phone mast proliferation ... what's the supporting evidence?"
well, here's a graph for the rise in the number of 'communication structures' (which includes CELL TOWERS)
and here's a graph for MOBILE PHONE USAGE
and you'll surely notice IN BOTH the significant spike-years of 1998-2000. Right, and this is without even checking first, that's the sorta edge-of-the-seat guy I am, here's the famous glovbal warming (sic)HOCKEY STICK GRAPH and boy-oh-boy-oh-boy don't the years from 1990 to 2000 tally up?
I mean, it's almost UNCANNY. And why shouldn't it be? Why shouldn't the proliferation in 'cancerous but profitable' cell phone usage line up almost exactly with an increase in mean surface temperature over a decade of 'technological advance' at the expense of common sense 'ethical questions'.
Here's an easy question for you, "Wwhen you put a frozen meal in a microwave, select the timer and press go, does it a) get colder or b) get hotter?"
"B), correct," and so should our atmosphere with all that hot radiation jostling every air molecule as it transmits all those crap texts and convos to cell phone users.