Family Magazine

Global Warming, Kuwait and Rain

By Umkhaloodie

Was just thinking yesterday, summer is well and truly here and I had only just thought it and low and behold the heavens opened. Yes, we had around 1 hour of rainfall. It poured, absolutely bucketed it down and then we got that yucky dusty drizzle.
My mom told me the UK is dealing with snow blizzards, loss of electricity and strong winds. What is going on? Seems alot like Global Warming, the weather is definitely changing. I don’t remember having rain at the end of March ever in Kuwait! Today it’s overcast and looks alot like we could be in for a sandstorm! Looking out my window as I type and there’s a thick layer of orange cloud heading towards my house from the south. Lovely. Mask up everyone. Looks like Sandstorm season may be upon us! href=””>20130324-142811.jpg


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