To start this weekly series through the holiday season, it makes sense to have the Sunday after Veterans Day be dedicated to Luke's Wings. Luke's Wings is an organization my family and I have been supporting since we learned about it this January. A portion of the money made from Wardrobe Oxygen supports Luke's Wings on a monthly basis.
Luke's Wings is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of service members who have been wounded in battle. Recognizing the immediate need for families to be with their loved ones at such a difficult time, Luke's Wings provides families with the means to visit during the service member's hospitalization and rehabilitation. By purchasing travel agency services and travel tickets for loved ones, Luke's Wings provides an immediate and invaluable service to the families of our men and women at arms while also helping to encourage and motivate the service member's recovery.
In 2011, Luke's Wings expanded the mission to also include veterans in hospice care. The majority of these requests are for those who served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War who are in elderly or long-term care facilities. My father and Karl were both in the Navy; my dad served during the Korean War and Karl during Operation Desert Storm. It fills my heart to know that this organization is supporting active members of the military but also veterans who may not have loved ones nearby to provide them support and love as a "final salute" for their service to our country.
Recognizing the difficulties families encounter as they make their way to their loved ones' side, Luke's Wings purchases the plane tickets and plans the trips, then Luke's Wings partners with other non-profit organizations that can provide other services including, but not limited to, free or discounted accommodations, meals, entertainment, local travel vouchers, city tours, etc.
I love the transparency of Luke's Wings. Lately there's so many charities being brought to light for misusing donations; Luke's wings has their last eight years of financial statements right on their site for your review and are welcome to answer any question about their financial performance.

No matter the time of year, Luke's Wings needs your support. Click here to find out how you can volunteer, and click here to contribute.
Each Sunday through the holidays I'm sharing an organization that is close to my heart and could use your support. 'Tis the season for giving and a time for sharing, it's a time to care for those who need your help, and a time to make a positive difference. If you have an organization you feel should be featured don't hesitate to contact me!