Lifestyle Magazine

Girl Names: 130 Most Popular Baby Girl Names with Meaning

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Observing the right name for your little beloved newborn is a significant undertaking. Both you and your kid should live with it, however, it very well may be interesting to track down the ideal pair. The most famous and strange child young lady names truly do change over the long haul however regardless of whether you're searching for a name that is on the pattern, an enduring work of art, or something somewhat quirkier, it never hurts to have some additional motivation.

To make things somewhat more straightforward here are our 150 top interesting child young lady names, with a little with regards to where everyone comes from, in sequential request...

Picking an extraordinary name for your little girl is a major liability. While it's surely a pleasant encounter, it tends to be unpleasant, as well! All things considered, naming your child a young lady is one of the first and most significant choices you will make as another parent.

Assuming you're similar to most guardians on their quest for an ideal young lady name, you might be wanting to join exceptional significance, honor a family or social custom, or observe a name that is remarkable all alone.

Anything your methodology, this rundown of the 1,000 most famous child young lady names, as recorded by the Social Security Administration (SSA), will assist you with thinking about the entirety of your choices, partake in the experience, and restricted down your rundown to a most loved decision.

From Hebrew, signifying 'Father of commendation', with a few varieties

Initially a shortening of Germanic names like Adelaide and Adaline, with 'Adal' signifying 'Honorable'

From German, 'Honorable'

A minor departure from Adaline

From Spanish, 'Honorable'

Arabic for 'Devoted/Righteous' or Irish for 'Little fire'

Old German name, signifying 'Respectable/kind'

A minor departure from Adaline

Latin, signifying 'from Hadria'

Old German, signifying 'valuable; arousing; sun beam'

From Old German, signifying 'valuable; arousing'

From Greek, the female type of Alexander

13. Alexandra

From Greek, the female type of Alexander

A gender neutral name albeit more normal for young men, from Greek for 'safeguard'

From German, 'Of the respectability'

A shortening of Adelina or Albina

Latin beginning signifying 'Olive tree'

From Hebrew, 'Sky, aristocratic'

From German, 'Of the respectability'

A blossom name, got from alyssum

From Nigeria, signifying 'beauty, benevolence, graciousness'

Spanish, got from the town of Amaya

A clear fossil gum utilized in adornments, unique from Arabic

From the Germanic word 'amal' signifying 'work', and recommending productivity

Minor departure from Amelia

Perhaps got from the Sanskrit word 'amaya' signifying 'absent any hint of deception'

Old French, 'Beyond all doubt adored'

Hebrew for 'leaned toward effortlessness' or a Spanish variation of Anne

29. Anastasia

Greek beginning signifying 'restoration' however frequently connected to the girl of the last Russian dictator

'Courageous' in French or the ladylike type of Andrew

From Latin, 'courier of God'

32. Angelina

Minor departure from Angela

Latin adaptation of Hebrew Hannah, signifying 'He (God) has inclined toward me'

34. Annabelle

Mix of the Latin Anna (effortlessness) and the French word beauty (magnificence).

35. Arabella

From Latin 'orabilis' signifying 'respecting supplication'

Hebrew beginning for 'Lion'

Welsh beginning, signifying 'Silver'

A slight varation from Ariana

Hebrew origin, signifying 'lion of God'

Slight variation from Ariel

Sanskrit and Persian beginning significance of 'honorable', yet additionally promoted by Game of Thrones

Gender-neutral name, initially for young men, English beginning of 'Ash tree meadow'

English beginning from the tree

Greek, the goddess of astuteness

From old German, signifying 'mythical person or mystical being'

Minor departure from Aubrey

English beginning, 'Respectable strength'

From Latin signifying 'day break', likewise the Roman goddess of dawn

English, from the season

Questionable beginning, might be from the Hebrew type of Eve (Chava) or the Latin 'avis' signifying 'bird'

Early English, signifying 'mythical elf-counsel'

Hebrew signifying 'deer or gazelle'

From the Old English signifying 'berry clearing' yet in addition 'bailiff; city fortress'

Italian beginning signifying 'excellent', likewise a small of Isabella

Early English beginning, most likely from 'dark, dim' a moniker for somebody with dim hair or skin

A substitute type of Blake

Scottish, 'Excellent; beguiling'

From Celtic for 'Solid; She climbs'

Present day American name from Gabriella, the Latinised female type of Gabriel

Hebrew, 'righteous woman' or a shortening of Gabrielle

Early English and Old German beginning from 'water/little streem'

62. Brooklyn

Early English 'little stream' yet in addition from the New York City ward

Greek beginning signifying 'excellent'

Spanish and Portuguese from Latin signifying 'youthful formal specialist'.

Latin induction, signifying 'assistant to the minister'

66. Caroline

Female variant of Carolus (Charles)

67. Catalina

Greek beginning signifying 'unadulterated'

Pet type of Charlene and Charlotte, presently utilized by its own doing

69. Charlotte

Female variant of the male name Charlot (Charles)

From 'blossoming' or 'richness' in Greek

From the Latin modifier 'clarus' meaning splendid or clear

A minor departure from Claire

Greek origin signifying 'lady'

Early English beginning, from the blossom

Local American beginning for 'companion/partner', additionally from the US states

From Hebrew for 'God is my appointed authority'

Irish and Gaelic beginning for 'dark'

Old French 'from the birch woods' or conceivably Gaelic 'holy messenger from paradise'

Hebrew beginning, 'grieving, lovelorn, alluring', Samson's escort in the Bible

Destiny, initially from the Latin word 'destinare,' yet promoted in present day America

Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, woods, and labor

From the Biblical Garden of Eden, signifying 'please'

French beginning signifying 'splendid, focusing light'

From Greek for 'splendid, sparkling one'

Minor departure from Eleanor

Latinised variant of the Hebrew name Eliyanah

From the Hebrew Elisheba, meaning either 'promise of God', or 'God is fulfillment'

Hebrew beginning, short type of Elizabeth

89. Elizabeth

Hebrew beginning signifying 'swore to God'

A shortening of names including Eleanor and Ellen

Minor departure from Ella, a shortening of names including Eleanor and Ellen

Dubious however might be Old German beginning, 'popular fighter'

Shortening of Elizabeth, for the most part Scottish

A basically Scottish variant of Elizabeth

English, signifying 'Flash, Burning Low'

German origin signifying 'Daring; strong'

A variety of Emily

Latin origin, signifying 'Productive; endeavoring'

Of Old French and Old German beginning, significance of Emma 'whole; all inclusive'

Irish and Gaelic beginning, from a wonderful word for 'Ireland'.

From Old French, 'to regard/love', can likewise be a shortening of Esmeralda

Of Persian beginning for 'lady; star', additionally an excellent Hebrew champion in the Bible

Of Hebrew origin, signifying 'life, creature'

104. Evangeline

From Latin and Greek, signifying 'good news'

A young lady's name of English beginning signifying 'wished for kid'

From Hebrew, initially a pet type of Eve

English beginning from 'confidence or conviction'

Of Arabic beginning with various varieties, additionally the little girl of the Prophet Muhammad

109. Felicia

From the Latin modifier felix, signifying 'cheerful'

Scottish and Gaelic beginning, signifying 'white, fair'

111. Florence

Latin beginning, 'blossoming, in sprout', yet additionally the Italian city

In Norse folklore, Freya was the goddess of ripeness.

113. Gabrielle

Hebrew beginning, signifying 'godly woman; my solidarity is God'

Latin beginning, signifying 'diamond, gem'

115. Genesis

Hebrew origin, signifying 'beginning, birth'; the primary book of the Bible

116. Genevieve

Of French beginning, potentially signifies 'individuals, clan, lady', from the Celtic gen.

117. Georgia

A ladylike type of the Greek George, significance turner of the dirt; additionally a US state

Italian name of Hebrew beginning, signifying 'God is benevolent's

119. Elegance

From Latin for 'favor, favoring', an ideals name presented by the Puritans

Substitute type of Grace

Of Old English origin, 'heather glade'

Of Old English origin, 'roughage knoll

Initially the ladylike type of Henry or variation of Harriet

From Hebrew, 'favor or elegance'

Early English origin, from 'bunny glade' or 'rock knoll'

126. Harmony

In Greek folklore Harmonia was the goddess of fraternity, sisterhood, cheerful relationships and agreement

English, Scottish, and Irish for the player of a harp

128. Harriet

From French for 'Attendant of the hearth'

Early English, from the tree or the shading

130. Heather

An English and Scottish name from the blooming evergreen

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