Because the most difficult part of Christmas shopping, for me, is Secret Santa shopping. Last year my immediate team did both a Secret Santa and Christmas Angel for the festivities, which turned out to be so fun! The Christmas Angel part simply meant that we became a little fairy in the lead-up to Christmas for our selected Secret Santa. It was so sweet, our team consists of 14 girls and we did things for each other like leaving handwritten notes on each others’ desks in the morning, mysteriously bought fresh Starbucks for each other, decorated desks overnight… One girl even received a handmade snowglobe, another received a box of note cards, each with a new message or quote for each day in the lead-up to our last day before Christmas, and my Christmas Angel gifted me with a lip balm and handwritten note warning me that it was cold and to stay healthy. It was such a sweet idea and certainly helped us bond! 100% would recommend!
That said, it IS inherently difficult to pick presents for the annual Secret Santa. Either it’s a work one and you know little else about them aside from their email address and their regular drinks order or the budget is insanely hard to work around.
Here are some ideas for ye olde Secret Santa, whatever the budget, theme or odd taste…
£5 / HK$50
£10 / HK$100
Always At Their Desk
Photo Ideas
Just Because Gifts
Happy Santa and Angel season! ♥