Lifestyle Magazine

Giffgaff Sets The Halloween Spirit

By Theneonhub @theneonhub

Looks like mobile network giffgaff are back this year with their truly haunted Halloween spirit.

If last year’s shockingly explicit ‘Different Takes Guts’ video is anything to go by – we can only expect this years Halloween Spectacular will be similarly if not more bone-chilling.

If you’re used to usual festivities like neighbourhood kids knocking for trick n’ treat or the family pumpkin-carving session, perhaps you’ve been celebrating a little too lightly. giffgaff are urging us to step out of our comfort zone and celebrate this spooky time of the year in its full-horror deserved approach. After all, it’s supposed to be the darkest time of the year…

To whet your appetite (for blood muaha) you can watch the coming-soon trailer here.


giffgaff Halloween Spectacular Clown - featured on - © @giffgaff

giffgaff Halloween Spectacular Clown

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