Schooling Magazine
I recently had the privilege of being a session facilitator at the IntegratED conference in much-warmer-than-here-in-Illinois city of Portland, Oregon last week. As a facilitator, we are challenged with making our sessions interactive rather than sit-and-get, which I really enjoy. That's why in my session on getting started with problem-based learning I decided to have participants actually do a problem-based lesson in the two hours I had allotted to me just so they could see the process in action - and experience what their students would be experiencing when they were brain-deep in solving problems.
Since I teach environmental science, I used the concept of making cattle farming a sustainable enterprise as the main problem, and participants went through all of the steps I would have students do in order to solve the problem. The purpose of the session was not to have participants actually solve the problem, but to experience the process of PBL. If you would like a link directly to the presentation itself (so you can access all of the documents linked within the presentation), click here. If you have any question, please feel free to fire away in the comments.
Since I teach environmental science, I used the concept of making cattle farming a sustainable enterprise as the main problem, and participants went through all of the steps I would have students do in order to solve the problem. The purpose of the session was not to have participants actually solve the problem, but to experience the process of PBL. If you would like a link directly to the presentation itself (so you can access all of the documents linked within the presentation), click here. If you have any question, please feel free to fire away in the comments.