All speaking is public speaking (well unless you are in a room by yourself with no-one around who can hear you).
Yet around 75% of people claim to have fear of public speaking and would rather not do it (if someone else can do it for them). In fact, some people are so paralyzed by even the thought of public speaking it sends them into a panic spiral.
From speaking up in a meeting at work, to speaking at an event of some sort, to giving a speech, there are so many places and times in your life that you will need to speak that getting over your fear will help you feel so much more comfortable and confident about these experiences.
Talking with Justine Armstrong on Fearless Public Speaking
I sat down to chat with Justine Armstrong, a psychologist who specialises in helping people become great public speakers and overcome their fears of public speaking, and we discussed why it is such a fear and a few of the myths that you will have heard that are supposed to help you get over your fear (but don’t help, that naked audience is not a good idea).
I know as an introvert, and formerly a shy introvert, that public speaking was something I avoided at all costs until I reached my thirties and I had lost some of my shyness and started to feel a little more confident in myself. I could only ever speak when performing a role (for work), I saw it like acting which allowed me to get over myself a little. Since starting my own business I’ve really had to get over this fear and even doing things like making live videos (which I now do regularly) felt very scary to me for a long time (until I actually started doing it and fortunately didn’t die). In fact, much of my fear of public speaking dissolved when I learned that my fear was ungrounded.
One of the most important tips that Justine shares in this video is on thinking about your audience and how you are serving them, rather than thinking about yourself. This can help you take the focus off yourself and think more about what is going to make a better experience for the listener.
Justine offers a free masterclass to help you overcome your fear of public speaking – you can find it here.
How do you feel about public speaking? What tips or techniques have helped you overcome your fear of public speaking? Please do share in the comments.