Do you have any plans for the Friday and Saturday of April 27th & 28th?
Awesome. Because now you do.
(in)RL is a conference hosted by (in)courage. It’s not just *any* conference, though.
You don’t need a ton of money to attend this conference. You don’t need a plane ticket. You don’t need time off work or school.
(in)RL {which stands for (in) real life!} is a conference you can attend from anywhere you are. The amazing (in)courage girls are bringing the conference to YOU.
(in)RL starts on Friday, April 27th…with a webcast you can watch from your very own living room. Then, the best part of all. On Saturday, thousands of wonderful ladies will be getting together and hosting/attending meet-ups all over the world.
That’s right. Meet-ups. This is your chance to bring the online offline. Make it real life! You can host a meet-up or find one to attend in your area.
Registration is $10…and when you register a super cute (in)RL t-shirt and a Simply Marvelous card pack will be mailed right to your house!
(in)RL is bringing new meaning to the word community. This is your chance to get together with a group of amazing women to have fun, be inspired, eat dessert {I might have sneaked this one in…}, and really connect on a personal level.

What are you waiting for? If you aren’t already, get registered. If there is no meet-up in your area yet, get brave and host one. You won’t regret it. :) Something amazing is going to go on this last weekend of April. You don’t want to miss it.
Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them.” {Matthew 18:20}. Let’s make it happen, girls.