WhatsApp Working on many new features to make the experience of its users fun. According to the report that came some time ago, the popular instant messaging app is working on a new channel feature. Right now it is in the development phase. Now new reports have revealed that the company is also working on bringing 12 new features to the channel as well, which will be released with the upcoming updates. Read below to know about these new features in detail.
Many new features will come for WhatsApp Channels
In the latest report of WABetainfo, a website that keeps an eye on the upcoming features of WhatsApp, it has been told that the company is working on bringing 12 new features for Channels.
Information about the Updates Tab and Channels was given in the WhatsApp beta that came for the Android update. These features are still in the development phase. At the same time, now the latest WhatsApp beta for Android available on Google Play Store has revealed about the features coming with Channels.
A screenshot is given in the latest report of WABetainfo. In this, the user interface of Channels is clearly visible. Different features that come with the channels are given in the photo.
interface will be like this
Wide message interface will be available in channel conversation. Such an update is already available for Community Announcement groups after installing the WhatsApp beta for iOS update from the TestFlight app.
verification status
Please tell that the channel can be verified. A green color verification mark will be found on the channel. As of now, it is not known which channels will get the verified mark and what will be the process for the same.
number of followers
The number of followers will be displayed below the channel name.
Users will get the option of mute notification
Like the rest of the chat, users will also get the option of Mute Notification for the channel. The user will have full control over the notification.
Will support Handles
It was earlier told about WhatsApp Channels that the channels will support handles. These will appear in the Channel Info.
You will get these shortcuts
WhatsApp will introduce three new shortcuts to improve the user experience while exploring the channel info screen. These shortcuts will make it easy to unfollow, forward, and share a channel with others.
channel description
Channel detail info will appear inside the screen. This will give channel creators additional information to followers including the purpose of the channel.
Visibility Status
A channel can be set to public, so anyone will be able to search it. Or you can also select the Profile Privacy option.
The channel provides a secure and private space where your information is kept private and protected.
<img decoding="async" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1377612" src="https://naxontech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Google-Pixel-6a-7.png" alt="Get ready! 12 new features will come for WhatsApp Channels" width="1200" height="675" />User will be able to report
If you encounter any issues with a channel you follow, you have the option to report the channel to the moderation team.
You can see in the list that this instant messaging app owned by Meta is working on bringing many features to Channels. With this, users will be able to use Channels easily. However, keep in mind that all these features are currently in the development phase. The company can roll them out soon.