Religion Magazine

Gerrer Hassidim Thank God for the State of Israel

Posted on the 16 January 2017 by Gldmeier @gldmeier
There has been a fight going on in the southern city of Arad between the secular residents and the community of Gur chassidim. Without getting into the details, because from afar it just seems to be the standard fight of secular residents not wanting the growing charedi community to continue moving in, the basic animosity has now turned into some fight being waged on signs around the city.
The Gerrer chassidim, not using social media or other digital forms of communal discussion, have been posting signs up around town to encourage a more religious environment - signs that say things like "In Arad people eat kosher" and "the children of Arad wear kippot".
the secular residents turned to the courts to have the signs removed. The Gur representatives argued that these are political signs in nature and they have their political discussion via wall signs rather than using social media. The judge sympathized with the argument, but chose to reject it anyway and order the signs to be removed. An appeal to the Supreme Court by Gur to have the signs allowed failed and the municipality of Arad was given legal permission to remove the signs.
This is just a stage in the fight, as Gur says their coming signs will have clear political messages and will reveal clearly what is actually happening in Arad, who is stealing from city coffers, who is mistreating the children of Arad, and more.
In the meantime, the Gerrer chassidim put up one last sign and left  it up for just a brief amount of time before removing it due to removal orders,
This last sign is the interesting one in this fight..
Gerrer Hassidim thank God for the State of Israel
The sign reads "We thank God every single day, and not just on Yom Haatzmaut, for giving us the State of Israel"
source: Behadrei
forgetting about the fight.... they publicly declare thanking God for the State of Israel. They did not say "eretz yisrael", but "medinat yisrael". they used blue and white colors on the sign with a picture of the flag of Israel.
I dont know if it signifies anything specific, and it might just have been a strategic move and a tactic in their plan, but I find it surprising and interesting that they would make such a Zionistic statement...
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