The altar of St. George Coptic orthodox church in Assuit after it has been attacked by Muslim Brotherhood
If you’re watching the major networks for news on Egypt you probably don’t know that the Muslim Brotherhood supporters have ransacked, damaged, destroyed, or burned nearly 50 Christian churches, kidnapped and killed Christians, and are blaming it on the military crackdown and state of emergency.
The most shocking part of this story, aside from the horrific violence, obviously, is that in the U.S. where 70% of the population labels themselves Christian, a country with much of it’s foundation rooted in Christianity, no major mainstream media outlets are providing major coverage of what is happening in Egypt if they are giving it any coverage at all. Most Americans and American churches are not informed on what is happening to their Christian brothers and sisters in Egypt.
All that is being reported is the violent clash between police, the military, and the protesters.
Why? Is the killing of Christians and destruction of their places of worship not news? Do these news agencies not know this is happening or that it’s connected to the uprising and protests?
Coptic Christians in the country are living in fear as they watch the levels of violence against Christians rise each day. Do they face the same fate the Jewish population of Egypt did during World War II? In the 1940s there the population of Jews in Egypt was 100,000 strong. Today, it is reported there are less than 100 Jews in the country. The population of Egypt is estimated to be about 84 million and, until recently, at least 10 percent of that population was Christian.
For anyone with a knowledge of Pre-World War 2 history what is taking place in Egypt will look very similar to what happened one night in Germany in 1938 when German military and civilians ransacked and burned Jewish businesses and homes. That night known as Kristallnacht or Crystal Night, the night of broken glass.

Much like Kristallnacht was used to blame Germany’s problems on the communists, Christian churches are being destroyed and Christians are being blamed for Egypt’s problems.
I encourage you to do just a little bit of study about pre-world war 2 Germany to see some startling parallels, and the mindset that allows this kind of thing to happen in the first place. Kristallnacht is a good place to start.
just google it.