Debate Magazine

George Osborne's Budget: Indian Bicycle Marketing?

Posted on the 10 July 2015 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

Mike left this comment on my post Mildly reassuring:
Mark, I think you may be onto something with your "Indian Bicycle Marketing" idea.
Doesn't George Osborne's budget essentially deliver Labour's pre-election manifesto?

When you look at it, apart from the inheritance tax thing, there's really nothing that you couldn't imagine being in Ed Balls' first budget. Higher minimum wage, lots of stealth taxes, austerity cuts delivered at a slightly slower pace.
How do they get away with it?
They are all playing for the flabby center ground, that's why (I guess). Labour and Tories can both get away with doing the same thing, they just pretend that they are different.
The same as Coca Cola and Pepsi selling essentially the same drink, all that is different is the label, the shape of the bottle and the advertising slant (Coca Cola is more wholesome; Pepsi is a teensy bit edgier).

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