Spirituality Magazine

Gemstones That Attracts Good Luck & Success

By Sanjeev Chaudhary @9GemDotCom
6 Gemstones That Attracts Good Luck & Success6 Gemstones That Attracts Good Luck & Success

Gemstones are using since the ancient times to bring wellness in lives. They wore gemstones to bring good luck and success in their life. Gemstone attracts lots of people because of its high luster and its magical powers. Each and every gemstone carries healing properties which heals the diseases of the wearer.

There are many gemstones which are popular for good luck. In astrology, each gemstone has different effects for different wearers according to their birth chart. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into ten gemstones renowned for their ability to attract good luck and success.

Ruby: The Stone of Vitality and Passion

Ruby gemstone, with their fiery red hue, have captured the imagination of humanity for centuries. Beyond their stunning beauty, rubies hold a special place in the realm of gemstones due to their association with vitality, passion, and success. In this exploration of the ruby, we delve into its fascinating history, its symbolic significance, and the beliefs surrounding its mystical properties.


1. A Symbol of Power and Prestige:

  • Throughout history, rubies have been prized for their rarity and captivating color. In many ancient cultures, rubies were believed to possess magical powers and were often worn by royalty and nobility as symbols of power and prestige. The allure of the ruby extended beyond its aesthetic appeal; it was seen as a talisman of protection and prosperity, believed to bring good fortune to its wearer.

2. The Ruby in Myth and Legend:

  • The ruby’s association with vitality and passion is reflected in numerous myths and legends from around the world. In Hindu mythology, rubies were associated with the god of the sun, symbolizing the eternal flame of life and vitality. In ancient Burma (now Myanmar), where some of the finest rubies are found, it was believed that rubies were created from the essence of the sun, imbuing them with divine energy and power.

3. A Stone of Love and Romance:

  • In addition to its association with vitality and passion, the ruby is also considered a stone of love and romance. It is often associated with the heart chakra, symbolizing love, compassion, and devotion. Throughout history, rubies have been exchanged as tokens of affection and commitment, believed to strengthen the bond between lovers and bring passion and intensity to their relationships.

4. The Healing Power of the Ruby:

  • Beyond its symbolic significance, the ruby is also believed to possess healing properties. In ancient times, rubies were used as remedies for various ailments, including blood disorders and infections. It was believed that wearing a ruby could invigorate the body and promote vitality and strength. Even today, some alternative healing practices advocate the use of rubies for their supposed ability to stimulate the flow of life force energy and promote overall well-being.

5. Harnessing the Power of the Ruby:

  • For those who believe in the mystical properties of gemstones, wearing a ruby can be a powerful way to tap into its energy and symbolism. Whether worn as a piece of jewelry or carried as a talisman, the ruby is believed to inspire passion, creativity, and vitality. It is said to awaken the inner fire and drive that fuels ambition and success, making it an ideal stone for those who are pursuing their dreams and aspirations.

Emerald: The Stone of Prosperity and Harmony

Emerald gemstone, with their lush green color reminiscent of nature’s abundance, have held a special place in human history and culture for millennia. Revered for their beauty and symbolic significance, emeralds are often associated with prosperity, harmony, and the promise of a fruitful life. In this exploration of the emerald, we delve into its rich history, its cultural significance, and the beliefs surrounding its mystical properties.

Brazilian Emerald gemstone

1. A Symbol of Abundance and Renewal:

  • Emeralds have long been treasured for their rich green color, which symbolizes the lushness of nature and the promise of abundance. In many ancient cultures, emeralds were associated with fertility, growth, and renewal, making them popular choices for jewelry and adornment. The vibrant green hue of the emerald was believed to bring prosperity and good fortune to its wearer, serving as a talisman of wealth and success.

2. The Emerald in Myth and Legend:

  • Throughout history, emeralds have been shrouded in myth and legend, adding to their allure and mystique. In ancient Egypt, emeralds were associated with the goddess Isis, who was revered as the goddess of fertility and magic. It was believed that emeralds were her sacred stones, imbued with the power to grant eternal youth and vitality. In South America, where some of the finest emeralds are found, the indigenous peoples believed that emeralds were gifts from the gods, symbols of divine abundance and prosperity.

3. A Stone of Balance and Harmony:

  • In addition to its association with prosperity, the emerald is also considered a stone of balance and harmony. It is often associated with the heart chakra, symbolizing love, compassion, and emotional healing. The soothing green color of the emerald is believed to calm the mind and soothe the spirit, creating a sense of balance and tranquility within the wearer. It is said that wearing an emerald can promote harmony in relationships and foster a sense of inner peace and contentment.

4. The Healing Power of the Emerald:

  • Beyond its symbolic significance, the emerald is also believed to possess healing properties. In ancient times, emeralds were used as remedies for various ailments, including eye disorders and heart conditions. It was believed that wearing an emerald could strengthen the heart and promote emotional well-being. Even today, some alternative healing practices advocate the use of emeralds for their supposed ability to promote physical and emotional healing and restore balance to the body and mind.

5. Harnessing the Power of the Emerald:

  • For those who believe in the mystical properties of gemstones, wearing an emerald can be a powerful way to tap into its energy and symbolism. Whether worn as a piece of jewelry or carried as a talisman, the emerald is believed to bring prosperity, harmony, and balance to the wearer’s life. It is said to attract abundance and good fortune while promoting emotional healing and inner peace. As such, the emerald is an ideal stone for those who seek to live a life filled with prosperity, harmony, and well-being.

Citrine: The Merchant’s Stone


1. The Golden Glow of Prosperity:

  • Citrine derives its name from the French word “citron,” meaning lemon, owing to its sunny yellow hue. Throughout history, citrine has been revered as a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Its warm golden color evokes images of sunshine and abundance, making it a popular choice for jewelry and decorative pieces.

2. The Merchant’s Stone:

  • Citrine earned its moniker, the “Merchant’s Stone,” due to its association with financial success and prosperity in business ventures. In ancient times, citrine was believed to attract wealth and abundance to merchants and traders, helping them prosper in their endeavors. It was often placed in cash registers or carried by business owners to stimulate the flow of money and increase profits.

3. The Healing Power of Citrine:

  • In addition to its symbolic significance, citrine is also believed to possess healing properties. It is said to stimulate the metabolism and promote physical vitality and energy. Citrine is often used in alternative healing practices to alleviate digestive issues, boost the immune system, and enhance overall well-being.

Sapphire: The Stone of Wisdom and Prosperity


1. The Majesty of Blue:

  • Sapphires, with their deep blue colors ranging from velvety midnight hues to vibrant cornflower tones, have enchanted humanity for centuries. In ancient times, sapphires were associated with the heavens, symbolizing the celestial realms and the divine wisdom that resides within. The mesmerizing blue hues of sapphires evoke feelings of tranquility, serenity, and inner peace, making them prized gems for adornment and spiritual practices.

2. The Stone of Royalty and Nobility:

  • Throughout history, sapphires have been favored by royalty and nobility for their regal allure and symbolic significance. In many cultures, sapphires were believed to possess protective powers, safeguarding the wearer from harm and misfortune. Sapphires adorned the crowns, scepters, and regalia of kings and queens, serving as symbols of power, wisdom, and prosperity.

3. A Beacon of Wisdom:

  • Sapphires are often associated with wisdom, insight, and intuition. In ancient lore, sapphires were believed to enhance mental clarity and stimulate the intellect, making them valuable aids for scholars, philosophers, and seekers of knowledge. The serene energy of sapphires is said to calm the mind and facilitate deep contemplation, allowing one to tap into the wisdom of the ages and gain profound insights into life’s mysteries.

4. The Stone of Prosperity:

  • In addition to their association with wisdom, sapphires are also regarded as stones of prosperity and abundance. It is believed that wearing sapphires can attract wealth, success, and good fortune into one’s life. Sapphires are often used in feng shui practices to enhance prosperity and financial well-being, as their energy is said to promote a steady flow of abundance and prosperity.

Opal: The Stone of Inspiration and Creativity

Opal gemstone

1. A Symphony of Color:

  • Opals are renowned for their iridescent beauty, which arises from the unique arrangement of silica spheres within their structure. This phenomenon, known as play-of-color, gives opals their characteristic flashes of vibrant hues, ranging from fiery reds and oranges to tranquil blues and greens.

2. The Stone of Inspiration:

  • Opals have long been associated with inspiration, imagination, and creativity. In ancient times, opals were believed to be gifts from the gods, symbols of divine inspiration and creativity.

3. A Source of Spiritual Insight:

  • Opals are often regarded as stones of spiritual insight and intuition. It is believed that opals can enhance psychic abilities and facilitate communication with higher realms of consciousness. Opals are said to open the third eye chakra, awakening inner vision and enhancing spiritual awareness.

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