You would be forgiven from looking at this months blooms that we were back in June instead of September. The roses in my garden have a second flush and unusually they are more floriferous than earlier in the year. Above is Rosa ‘Handel’ which is a sort of climber, well I think it is a climber as it sends up very long stems but never more than about 7ft tall. It is smothered in flowers and quite gorgeous.

Above is Rosa Jude the Obscure, a David Austin rose. I bought two roses from them this year, the second being Emma Hamilton. I love the flowers of David Austin roses but they always seem to flop and Jude the Obscure is doing exactly that. It does smell wonderful though and in the Autumn I shall move it to the Cottage Garden border where I think it will do better as its less shady. I love the flowers they look like porcelain

The third rose in flower and worth photographing, the others are all rather shabby, is Rosa Lucky. Another good plant which has been flowering off and on all summer and produces lots of flowers.

Continuing the pink theme in the garden, which has surprised me as the garden is meant to be in its late summer oranges and yellows phase, is Diascia personata ‘Hopleys’. I bought this from Wollerton Old Hall back in early August and it has been flowering non-stop ever since. A really good buy.

Another pink purchase from Wollerton Old Hall is Salvia involucrata boutin. This was rather a risky purchase since the plant is tender and I will have to over-winter it but it is so gloriously pink and syrupy I couldn’t resist and it is working well with the other pink flowers in the Cottage Garden Border.

Finally a Phlox I bought at the local flea market the other day which was just labelled ‘Phlox’ and some Cosmos which have flopped with all the wind we have had.
These are the highlights in the garden today but lurking in the wings are Asters, Sanguisorba and Lobelia tupa which I might share in another post.
For more Garden Blogger Bloom Day post visit Carol at May Dreams