Politics Magazine

Gay Marriage to Be Introduced

Posted on the 20 May 2013 by Aca The Underground

By Anton

Finally, the British government has decided to once and for all, destroy the sacredness of marriage. This bill will be a great leap forward for Britain, for the government is showing the populace that we no longer cling to the bible. I hope that this deals a great blow to the church, as even in debate the church exposed itself as the homophobic, reactionary organisation that it is.

It’s sickening that this organisation has such a grip on the people.

If we have abandoned Leviticus 18:22, surely we should abandon the patriarchy, misogyny, racist, and stupid laws that result from the bible? I wish this to be the first step, among many, to the decline, and abolition of religion. I do not wish for these revolutionary acts against the reaction to come from the government, I want them to come from the people themselves.
One day our eyes will be opened to the fantasies that we were fed as children, and that are shoved down the throats of our children.

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