Politics Magazine
Gay Activist Sees Man Giving Blow Job In A Logo Of A Person Praying
Posted on the 27 June 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
You simply can't make this stuff up because people would say it was unbelievable, yet it is true, non-fiction.
The Family Research Council has designed a logo to go with their Call2Fall campaign, kicking off on June 30, 2013, in response to the Supreme Court overturning the Defense of Marriage Act.
Two logos are available, on that says "A Call to Fall on Our Knees in Prayer for Our Nation," with an image of a person on their knees praying and the other has the praying person with just "Call 2Fall," then the words "I'm In."
The two banners are below:
Gay activist John Aravosis from AmericaBlog, says the logo "appears to be a man performing oral sex."
It takes a very sick mind to see a person praying and think "hey, that looks like a guy giving a blow job."
More on the Call2Fall campaign here.
Additional thought, for the record: The Family Research Council is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization formed in the United States in 1981 by James Dobson. It was incorporated in 1983.
Despite Aravosis false claim that the FRC is a "hate group", the only place that has listed them as such is the liberal hate group Southern Law Poverty Center, that also claims Evangelical Christianity groups are extremists, along with other religious groups and conservative groups, because said groups are against same-sex marriage and abortion.
(Correction made to this post)
You simply can't make this stuff up because people would say it was unbelievable, yet it is true, non-fiction.
The Family Research Council has designed a logo to go with their Call2Fall campaign, kicking off on June 30, 2013, in response to the Supreme Court overturning the Defense of Marriage Act.
Two logos are available, on that says "A Call to Fall on Our Knees in Prayer for Our Nation," with an image of a person on their knees praying and the other has the praying person with just "Call 2Fall," then the words "I'm In."
The two banners are below:
Gay activist John Aravosis from AmericaBlog, says the logo "appears to be a man performing oral sex."
It takes a very sick mind to see a person praying and think "hey, that looks like a guy giving a blow job."
More on the Call2Fall campaign here.
Additional thought, for the record: The Family Research Council is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization formed in the United States in 1981 by James Dobson. It was incorporated in 1983.
Despite Aravosis false claim that the FRC is a "hate group", the only place that has listed them as such is the liberal hate group Southern Law Poverty Center, that also claims Evangelical Christianity groups are extremists, along with other religious groups and conservative groups, because said groups are against same-sex marriage and abortion.
(Correction made to this post)
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