Food & Drink Magazine

Garlic Naan (印度大蒜烤餅) (pan Version)

By Rumblingtummy @RumblingTummi
My first taste of Indian food was of North Origin, I remembered there was this wonder Indian food stall along Depot Road and they served really good Indian food. One of my favorite carbo to go with Indian curry was Naan.  Not just any naan but Garlic Naan.  
Source here and here
Garlic Naan (印度大蒜烤餅) (pan version)
Learning experience:
This definitely works better with a mixer as the dough is very sticky.   Using a mixer is a breeze as I don't have to deal with sticky hands.  
The naan turned out really good.  Soft and tasty.   Using the pan is fast and easy too.
What you need:
275g plain flour 3.5g instant yeast6g sugar6g salt30g plain yogurt17g vegetable oil140g warm milk40g warm water2 clove garlic, grated
Garlic paste (microwave until butter dissolved and mix well)
1½ tbsp unsalted butter1½ tbsp minced cilantro1½ tbsp minced garlic¼ tsp salt
In a mixing bowl, combine plain flour, instant yeast, sugar, salt, yogurt, vegetable oil, warm whole milk and water.  Roughly mixed. 
Add in garlic and mix well until well combined.  Cover and let it rest for 15 mins.
Knead again for 1 mins.  Cover and let it proof for 45 mins.
Knead again for 1 mins. Cover and let it proof for 45 mins.
Oil the countertop and hands.  Remove dough and divide into 5 (approx 100g).
Shape into ball, oil the surface of the dough, cover and let it proof until 30 mins.
Oil rolling pin and dust flour over the dough.
Roll the dough into the length of your pan.
Heat up a cast iron pan to very smoking hot and brush a layer of oil.
Place the dough into the pan and cover slightly.
Pan fry until dough turn puffy and roast mark appeared (about 2 – 2.5mins on each side).
Flip and brush a layer of oil onto the dough.
Once cooked, brush a layer of garlic paste and just do a quick cook on both sides to let the garlic paste enhance the flavor further.
Transfer to a serving plate, brush another layer of garlic paste on the opp side.
Serve warm.
Garlic Naan (印度大蒜烤餅) (pan version)If you have enjoyed this post by Rumbling Tummy, be sure to follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter

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