Hellebore niger
Another year and the first Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post of 2015 and I am pleased that I have quite a few blooms to share although you really have to hunt around the garden to find them. Although I think that is what makes them all the more welcome, they make you get out into the garden and spend time peering into borders.
First up is the Christmas Rose which is slowly but surely increasing year on year. I understand from other gardeners I know that it can be hard to establish, mine is thriving on neglect planted between a box and rhododendron so I think it is fairly dry. There are 3 or 4 blooms appearing this year which is an increase on last year. For some reason my plant seems to open with its flowers almost open flat on the ground and they then slowly lift their heads as the days pass. I’m sure others I have seen are more upright.
Galanthus Ding Dong
Unknown Galanthus
The first of my special snowdrops are opening. I’m ashamed to say that I have lost the label for the second one despite only buying it last year. It isn’t quite open but I am hoping when it does that some of my galanthophile friends might help me out.
Iris unguicularis ‘Water Butt’
Iris unguicularis ‘Water Butt’ has produced its second flower which is one more than last year so hopefully it will go on from strength to strength now.
As per last month the primroses continue to flower in the generally mild weather we have had to date this winter. The top one is only small but it is a real beacon which I can see from the house and cheers me up no end.
Eranthis hyemalis
I have to include Eranthis as I love them more than snowdrops and they are just beginning to establish in the garden. These photographs were taken at the weekend as it is dark when I leave for work and get home so I am hoping when I get out side this weekend the flowers will be open.
Viola cornuta
The viola cornutas that I deadheaded extensively just after Christmas have rewarded me with another flush of flowers. I am planning to get some more of these in different colours as I think they are really good fillers
unnamed narcissus bulbicodium
In the greenhouse the Narcissus bulbicodium are beginning to flower but sadly I am really struggling to photograph them to show them at their best.
Narcissus bulbicodium ‘Lemon Flare
There are also the same cyclamen flowering as last month – they almost seem to be frozen in time along with the Viburnum which is also still flowering. Hellebores and Camellias are about to open so it will be interesting to see what is still around for next month’s post.
For more Garden Blogger Bloom posts visit Carol at May Dream Gardens