Gardening Magazine

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

My selection of blooms for February include a lot of flowers that were flowering last month.  It seems to me that spring flowers last longer than those in the summer.  I wonder if it is something to do with the temperatures or whether they flower longer to give them more chance of being pollinated by the pollinators which are scarcer than in the summer.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

A couple of clamps of Eranthis which are slowly clumping up.  I did have Eranthis schwefelglanz which is a pale Eranthis but I haven’t spotted it so far which is disappointing.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019
Narcissus ‘February Gold’

My first daffodils or narcissus are flowering – Narcissus ‘February Gold’. I planted these bulbs back in the Autumn in a new area where the compost bins were previously.  The flowers are more delicate than I anticipated and I am really pleased with how they look, I will definitely be adding more next year.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019
Iris unguicularis ‘Walter Butt’

Probably the last bloom on the Iris ungicularis looking a little chewed but still providing a welcome splash of color at this time of year.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

One of the many clumps of snowdrops around the garden.  I am really pleased with how big the clumps are now; I will probably do a little splitting of clumps in a month or so once the flowers have finished.

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019
Galanthus ‘Wendys Gold’

One of my more specialist snowdrops – Galanthus ‘Wendys Gold’ – different because of the gold ovaries and markings on the inner petals.

And a selection of my favorite hellebores

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019
A hellebore seedling

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019
Hellebore Anna’s Red 
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – Feb 2019

So these are the floral highlights from my garden.

For more garden bloggers blooms check out May Dream Gardens, where Carol kindly hosts this meme.


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