Languages Magazine

Funny Things to Learn Spanish Language Distinctively

By Tlb

If you chiefly want to have something worthy to achieve in 2013, to learn a new language is a good means of good opportunities in personal and career aspects. If you wish to learn Spanish at Language School, now is the time to make it come true!

learn Spanish: Toros de Osborne sign-Spain

Toros de Osborne sign-Spain, by Yair Haklai via Wikimedia Commons

According to a study, Spanish language has become the 21st century most famous 2nd language learned of American English native speakers. In fact, this is the foreign language that has elevating meaningfully and is facilitated from any part of the world. So if you are one of those who yearn to learn Spanish Language, your chance relies on the language schools where you choose to study and enhance your skills.

Learning Spanish language has numerous tools to associate in learning that can help you learn quicker. To make it more fun and exciting, use some tricks to understand the word meaning and so as to memorize the vocabulary in simpler way. Funny words can help a lot for you to remember a word.

Here are some funny Spanish phrases from hugh fox:


  • In Spanish language: La experiencia es algo que no se tiene hasta poco después de que se necesita. Translated to English language: Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.


  • In Spanish language: Un buen vecino… es el que no le pone clave al Wi-Fi.
    Translated to English language: A good neighbor … Is one that leaves free Wi-Fi.


  • In Spanish language: No esperar lo inesperado no hace que lo inesperado se convierta en lo esperado?
    Translated to English language: Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected become the expected?


This is great way to attract the students to read funny words in the language that you wanted to analyze. As a new learner of Spanish language, to notice funny things is to make special distinction of you from the rest. .


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