The old label, which I purchased.
Funkwerks is part of the thriving Colorado beer scene. Located in Fort Collins, they’ve made a strong splash despite only being around for about 5 years. Incorporated in 2009, Funkwerks was actually born when owners Gordon and Brad met earlier that year at the Seibel Institute where they were studying brewing. They decided to specialize in Saisons and other Belgian-style beers.
Funkwerks Saison can trace its lineage back to the Saison Gordon won a gold with at The National Home Brew Competition. In 2012, it won Gold at the Great American Beer Festival. So needless to say, this is a well pedigreed beer! I picked it up when I visited Colorado last summer.
Appearance: Hazy, light gold, off-white head, great retention with a pillowy head.
Aroma: Dough, thme, apples, floral notes, apple blossoms, orange pith.
Taste: Aples, floral, cracker, light funk, white pepper finish.
Overall Impression: This is a very soft, balanced and dry Saison with a medium finish. It’s a great interpretation of a the Belgian classic with its own unique characteristics. I really like the softness and balance of this beer. It’s not in your face nor out of whack. It’s truly a world-class Saison that could fit in a tasting with the likes of Saison Dupont or De Glazen Toren Saison D’Erpe-Mere. If you’re in the area where they’re distributed, you owe it to yourself to seek out a bottle.
Availability: Colorado, Nebraska, & Arizona.
6.8% ABV

The new label