Travel Magazine

Functions of Human Resource Management

By Vikasacharya

Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The HRM department members provide the knowledge, necessary tools, training, administrative services, coaching, legal and management advice, and talent management oversight that the rest of the organization needs for successful operation. The aims of strategic management are to provide the organization with a sense of direction and a feeling of purpose. Human resource management involves managing people in an organization. The last few decades have seen some drastic changes in the strategies employed by various companies for this purpose. Earlier, it had limited functions which was mainly confined to paperwork related to hiring and payment of the staff in the company.

Functions of Human Resource Management

However, now, it is understood that the most valuable resources of any establishment are its employees, as they play a crucial role in accomplishment of the aims and objectives of a business. Therefore, the focus of HRM is to deal with the manpower and all the decisions related to it that can have an impact on the productivity. The days when the HR manager was concerned with administrative duties is over and the current HRM practices in many industries are taken as seriously as say, the marketing and production functions. The practice of HRM must be viewed through the prism of overall strategic goals for the organization instead of a standalone tint that takes a unit based or a micro approach. The idea here is to adopt a holistic perspective towards HRM that ensures that there are no piecemeal strategies and the HRM policy enmeshes itself fully with those of the organizational goals. HRM encourages the people working in an organization, to work according to their potential and gives them suggestions that can help them to bring about improvement in it. The team communicates with the staff individually from time to time and provide all the necessary information regarding their performances and also defines their respective roles.

Functions of Human Resource Management

The responsibility of establishing good public relations lies with the HRM to a great extent. Human resource management also makes it easier for HR professionals and other employees to communicate effectively. This is especially important in small businesses where it's more common for an employee to perform multiple functions. With an open-source approach, for instance, communication between HR and employees becomes much clearer for everyone. They organize business meetings, seminars and various official gatherings on behalf of the company in order to build up relationships with other business sectors. Sometimes, the HR department plays an active role in preparing the business and marketing plans for the organization too.

There are some of the most common functions of human resource management and how do they relate to small businesses?

Functions of Human Resource Management

Training of Employees: New employees need to be trained and trained well. The HR team is often charged with developing a training program that will quickly and thoroughly prepare new hires for their job responsibilities.Identifying training needs and objectives specifically for supply chain positions, and designing training to meet those needs.

Providing Employees with incentives and rewards: In a business of any size, rewards and remuneration obviously cannot be handed out at random. it's even more critical that any financial incentives be developed and planned in order to spend wisely and avoid any employee discontent.Collaborating with the supply chain partners to develop and coordinate HR systems for the supply chain as a whole.

Verifying the business' staffing requirements: with the intention of eventually growing in size. Human resource directors need to be able to verify what type and amount of personnel is required and design a method for finding the best candidates.Identifying the training needs of the supply chain partners, and training those partners (or vice versa).

Retaining talent through best Recruitment : It's critical for all businesses to be on par with their competitors in the field so that their employees are not tempted to look elsewhere.The employee assistance program provided to health plan members offers up to four visits at no cost to you or members of your household for counseling in such areas as mental health, substance abuse, work and family issues, and financial or legal matters.

* Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs/ animals/ yoga/ places are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. All image credit goes to their Photographers. There is no coordination with anyone, If only he would be considered a coincidence.I'm not a guru, nor do I have any kind of a black lore or accomplishment. Were all written in my article entitled have been expressed only through education purpose.

Functions of Human Resource Management

Published by Vikas Acharya

My name is Vikas Acharya, I'am a passionate, optimistic and dedicated man who takes up responsibilities with utmost enthusiasm and see to it that I complete my tasks and assignments in time. I'have a great amount of perseverance to achieve my goal. My optimistic and planned approach in things I do is what driving me towards my success. I am a freelance writer, ghostwriter, and Blog-writer. Contact me to find out how I can help you create high-quality blog content, lead magnets, ebooks, and web copy for your business. I have worked with a wide range of organizations including Internet startups, advertising agencies, and various websites. From widely distributed press releases and blog posts, to targeted letters , I ensure customer satisfaction in everything that I do. well-known brands and publications including Tata Capital, Realtycompass, CondomBazaar, You Tube, Myntra, Asus Mobile, Delmonte Foods, Airtel, Dabur, The Dance Bible, UB Group and many more. Note: I have collected all the articles from web through various websites, may be some articles are written by me and others are the collection of another website/author, I have no © on some of these images/articles. If you find your image/article which is copyrighted mail me to [email protected] we'll remove them within the next 48hrs. View all posts by Vikas Acharya

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