Debate Magazine

Fun with Numbers - Right-angle Triangles and Side Length Ratios.

Posted on the 17 February 2020 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

Maths problem - you are told that one side of a 'right triangle' (as the Americans call them), is a certain fraction (1/n) of the total perimeter (the length of all three sides of the triangle added together). You have to work out the length of the other sides and/or the area.
For example... you are told that one side (the height) is one-sixth of the total perimeter.
Write down "n = 6" and also 'adjusted n' (for which I use capital "N").
N = n-1, so write down "N=5".
The relative length of the height is N x 2 'units'. Note: 'units' means relative length, not absolute length.
If n = 6 then N = 5 and height N x 2 = 10 units.
The total length of the other two sides = height (10) x N (5) = 50 units.
If this were an isosceles triangle, the other two sides would simply be half that, 25 units each.
In a right triangle, the hypotenuse is longer than the base, and in these problems, the hypotenuse is simply 2 units longer than the base (don't ask me why, that's just how this works).
So take the side length from the theoretical isosceles triangle (25 units), add 1 for hypotenuse (= 26 units) and deduct 1 for base (= 24 units).
That gives you height 10 units, base 24 units, hypotenuse 26 units, total perimeter 60 units.
(which you could simplify to 5-12-13 if you wished)
You might be told, or able to work out, that the total perimeter is (say) 72 centimetres (or 90 yards), or whatever, you divide that by the number of units (= 1.2 centimetres/unit or 1.5 yards/unit) and multiply up again.
So sides would be height 12 cm; base 28.8 cm, hypotenuse 31.2 cm (or 15 yards; 36 yards; 39 yards).
Area is simply base x height x 1/2.
So using above examples, area would be 12 x 28.8 x 1/2 = 172.8 sq cm (or 270 sq yards).
Presh Talwalkar, at the end of this video, reckons you can short-circuit calculating the area if you know the perimeter and "n".
The formula, if you can remember it, is...
(perimeter ^2) x (N-1) ÷ (4N^2 + 4N).
So if n = 6, N = 5 and perimeter is 72 centimetres (or 90 yards), the area is...
72 x 72 x 4 ÷ (100 + 20) = 172.8 sq cm.
90 x 90 x 4 ÷ (100 + 20) = 270 sq yards.
Here endeth.

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