Lifestyle Magazine

Fruits That Start With C

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

There are north of 2,000 various types of eatable fruits across the world. From berries and stone fruits to melons and citrus, these fruits all bring an extraordinary arrangement of supplements that work on our wellbeing while, frequently, satisfying people's inborn sweet tooth.

Of those 2,000 fruits consumed all over the planet, just around 10% are notable in the Western world.

Assuming you're keen on investigating the universe of products of the soil the flavors and the medical advantages they bring, then, at that point, this rundown is an extraordinary spot to begin.

Underneath, we have the names of fruits that begin with the letter C. Some are natural, however most, you'll meet for the absolute first time.


Cabeluda fruit appears as though a huge gooseberry with uniform yellow skin that is covered in delicate, fleece hair. These 1-inch measurement round berries have a flavor like apricot and are loaded with nutrients and supplements.

The cabeluda tree is local to Brazil and has as of late been acquainted with Florida and California. The fruits are for the most part eaten crude or made into jam.


Cacao, which isn't to be mistaken for cocoa, is the specialized name for the tree and fruit that gives us chocolate. Before the seeds are matured and dried, they should be gathered from the cacao fruit. When handled, this brown-colored powder gets the marginally unique assignment of "cocoa."

This enormous, elliptical, rosy yellow fruit is loaded up with seeds encompassed by springy, semi-dry tissue. The tissue tastes gentle somewhere close to mango and lemon and is regularly used to make squeezes and jam.

Cacao is local to South America yet today is most frequently filled in West Africa for the chocolate exchange.


Caimito fruit, otherwise called star apple, is a round fruit, 2 to 4-inch breadth berry with profound purple or light green skin. It has a flavor like a plum yet within is thick, not meaty, and the skin is unpalatable.

These trees are local toward the West Indies and Central America and can now be found in Florida.

The fruit, which takes after a star when sliced down the middle, is most frequently eaten crude or added to servings of mixed greens. It is stacked with antioxidants and other significant supplements.

Camu Camu Berry

Camu camu berries take after cherries in shading and estimate however have a flavor that is significantly more tart. This remarkable taste is the consequence of exceptionally focused phytochemicals and amino acids.

It is this one-of-a-kind nutrient profile that makes camu camu a superfood. Research has shown that this acrid berry might diminish aggravation and high glucose and assist with normalizing pulse.

This South American fruit is generally polished off as a powder added to smoothies and juices.

Canary Melon

The yellow canary melon is a huge, elliptical melon that fairly takes after a squash. It has an extremely sweet flavor with tart hints. The name comes from its radiant yellow skin which looks like the canary bird.

Canary melons come in numerous assortments and can be found all over the planet. They are most generally developed in Asia, Japan, Morocco, and Mexico.


The canistel fruit is radiant yellow with a comparable shape to acorn squash. It is about the size of a human hand with an extraordinary bubbled egg-yolk surface that relaxes to a mouse-like surface as the fruit ripens with time.

Canistel tastes sweet with astringent hints. This fruit is local to Mexico and Central America.

It is generally expected eaten crude or ground and dried into flour for flapjacks and other sweet culinary enjoyments.

Cannibal's Tomato

Savage's tomato, otherwise called poro poro, is nightshade most firmly connected with eggplant. The fruits, which start green and mature to red, are formed like a pumpkin and are about the size of a little tomato.

This unique name comes from the barbarian clans in its local Fiji, who have generally utilized this fruit to "assist with processing human meat

Eaten with human tissue or not, this fruit is a bit hard to stomach. It has a strong unpleasant flavor that must be decreased by absorbing the cut fruit saltwater and cooking it until soft.


One of the more well-known C fruits, cantaloupe is famous all through the world. All assortments have a sweet, particularly melony flavor and orange tissue. The outside of the fruit can be gotten or ribbed.

Cantaloupe probably began from South Asia or North Africa. Today it is spread all through the world.

Cape Gooseberry

Cape gooseberry is a sort of nightshade that looks basically the same as a tomatillo yet with a brilliant yellow tone rather than green. Like the tomatillo, the taste is somewhere close to a cherry tomato and sweet fruit, yet with significantly more articulated notes of pleasantness and poignancy.

This fruit, which is local to northern South America, is utilized in pies, chutneys, and foods grown from the ground servings of mixed greens.


The cassabanana is a huge, smooth, barrel-shaped fruit that comes in different tones from pinkish-yellow to dull purple. The tissue is yellow and takes after a lemon when cutting crossways and cucumber when sliced from one finish to the next.

These sweet fruits, which can grow up to 60 cm long, are essential for the squash family.

They're local to South America and have a flavor somewhere close to melon and a banana and are most frequently eaten crude.


Cempedak fruit has harsh, rugged skin that matures from green to tan. It is more modest than the firmly related jackfruit and has juicier tissue with vanilla and caramel feelings.

It is local to Southeast Asia and is consumed raw or cooked and added to appetizing dishes like curry. The seeds can likewise be eaten and have a flavor like water chestnuts.

Ceylon Gooseberry

Ceylon gooseberries are round and about the size of an enormous cherry. The skin is dull purple and the tissue radiant ruddy purple.

The skin of this Sri Lankan local is seldom eaten yet the tissue can be consumed crude or cooked. Regardless, it has a profoundly acidic flavor and is most frequently appreciated blended in with better fruits or made into jam.


The charichuelo fruit takes after a withered lemon with harsher, thicker skin. The flavor is sweet and lemony. The surface of the pulp is like mangosteen and melts in the mouth.

These trees are local to South America and are not notable outside of their local reach.

Cashew Apple

The term cashew apple alludes to the plump stem of the cashew fruit, which comprises the nut and shell of the cashew. The cashew apple has yellow to red skin and is formed like a stretched bell-pepper.

With an astringent sweet-harsh taste, these fruits are most frequently used to season drinks or cooked into exquisite dishes like curries. The cashew tree is local to Brazil however was acquainted with Asia and Africa from the get-go by missionaries.


The chayote fruit resembles a wrinkly, green pear with glossy skin. This relative of squash tastes gentle like cooked cucumber.

Chayote is local to Southern Mexico and Honduras. It is most frequently cooked or seared and presented with preparation. It is high in Vitamin C and amino acids and is delighted in all through the Americas, Europe, and Asia.


The cherimoya fruit has been known as a work of art of nature and was once known as the most heavenly fruit on the planet. You'd never know it by taking a gander at this bumpy, warty, once in a while textured, heart-molded fruit.

Likewise entangling the scrumptiousness is the way that the seeds inside the fruit are toxic and the actual plant is somewhat harmful. In any case, assuming you are adequately bold to attempt this South American fruit, you'll be compensated with a sweet smooth tartness that is suggestive of banana, pineapple, papaya, and strawberries.


Cherries are famous, somewhat little stone fruits that arrive in a variety of shadings and flavors. Most consumed assortments of cherry have a place with the sweet cherry or tart cherry families, with the ladder being utilized most frequently for cooking.

Cherries are local to Europe and Western Asia. Sweet cherries are a decent source of Vitamin C. Tart cherries sneak up suddenly and are a decent wellspring of vitamin An and cell reinforcements.


Chokecherries are little red or profound purple berries that fill in enormous clusters on suckering trees local to North America. The skin has an unpleasant, astringent taste, the tissue is tart, and the pit is harmful.

Notwithstanding this, chokecherries were a significant piece of numerous Native American clans' weight control plans. Today, the fruit is often wild-gathered to make jam and wine.


Chupa-chupa fruits are enormous, round, stone-like fruits with wide covers and thick stems. They are greenish-dim in shading with delicate fleece skin and light orange tissue.

These odd-looking fruits have an agreeably sweet flavor. In their local South America, they are most frequently stripped and eaten crude.


The citron fruit is the mother of all citrus assortments consumed today. These antiquated citruses were utilized by old societies in Asia, Europe, and their local India. They stay a significant piece of Jewish customs right up 'til the present time.

Citrons differ in shape contingent upon the cultivator. The most widely recognized structure seems as though a wilted lemon while the weirdest assortment, Buddha's hand, has a squid-like appearance with a different arm-like projections.

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