Family Magazine
Did You Know? Drain-O, or any other clog busting chemical, eventually eat away at your rubber seals.
Here is a safer and cheaper drain cleaner:
I have personally used this tip in the past for clogged drains - and it really did work!
I would pour a 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda into the clogged drain, then pour in 1/2 cup of vinegar.
I would let it sit for about 20-30 minutes.
Then I would dump a pot filled with boiling water - and the drain would clear immediately!
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From our Facebook fan page:
Marva Nic Bran posted: Nice...gotta try that...thanks...
Amy Shifton posted: This is also a way to clean your washer and dishwasher.
Keith Stevens posted: Works on some clogs for me.
Nicole Krause posted: I just used this on Saturday. My husband thought I was nuts when I was doing it, but was impressed when it worked.
Bev Krake posted: Yes, I have tried this many times, but still doesn't quite work sometimes. How I would like it to work vs Draino, but it does seem to have somewhat of an effect for the most part.
Jennifer Cooper posted: This didn't work for me.
Karolyn Kostlivy posted: Been using this for years.....someone told me about it when I moved into my apartment, uhmmm....over 15 years ago.....once a week I do it in my kitchen sink and have never ever had a blocked pipe!
Heather Minnich posted: On the advice of a plumber after the disastrous use of Liquid Plumber on very old pipes, I use Clorox to clear minor clogs.
Sarah Bentley Haiar posted: It also works to soak in your bathtub as a cleaning agent for those of us with ceramic tubs.
Roberta Dias posted: Heloise has given this tip many times and it is very effective, not to mention safe and costs pennies.
Regina Vaughn posted: Thx - now you really enlightened me about that.....environmentally safe ......really did not know that you could unplug the drain like that. Good tip!
Shopping Suggestions:
• Arm + Hammer Baking Soda
• Chef's Quality Distilled White Vinegar
• Earth Friendly Products Earth Enzymes, Drain Opener
• Plumb Pak Handy Snake Drain Cleaner
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