
Frostpunk 2: How to Grant Agenda

Posted on the 08 November 2024 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 8 November, 2024

Wondering how to grant agenda in Frostpunk 2? This feature allows you to support different factions within your city, helping you balance their needs and strengthen your leadership. 

In this article, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to grant agendas, giving you the tools to navigate faction relations and make strategic choices. Let’s dive in and see how this works in Frostpunk 2!

Locate the Factions Menu

First, go to the bottom of your screen. Here, you’ll find the interface for managing city affairs and viewing different factions that exist within your city. Each faction has its own unique interests and agenda, and they can impact how the city develops.

Select the Faction You Want to Support

Once you’ve located the factions menu, click on it to display all the factions. Each faction represents a group within your city that has specific needs or priorities, from energy management to social well-being. Now, choose the faction you want to support by clicking on it. This is where you’ll get the option to grant an agenda.

Grant the Agenda

After selecting a faction, simply click on “Grant Agenda.” This action signals that you’re backing this faction’s goals, which can help improve your relationship with them and bring a bit of stability to your city. Granting agendas can have different outcomes, so it’s important to consider which faction’s goals align with the needs of your city at any given time.

Why Granting Agendas Matters?

In Frostpunk 2, choosing to grant agendas is more than just a simple action. It’s a strategic move that can influence how each faction views your leadership and the stability of your city overall. When factions feel heard and supported, they’re more likely to cooperate, making it easier to address the many challenges of survival.

Granting an agenda can be a quick way to gain support, but you’ll want to use this wisely. Balance is key, as focusing too much on one faction may upset others. Always consider your city’s long-term goals before deciding which faction to support.

Final Thoughts 

Now that you know how to grant agendas in Frostpunk 2, keep experimenting with different factions and agendas to find what best suits your leadership style. Remember to keep an eye on faction relations, as balanced support can make or break your city’s stability. By strategically granting agendas, you’ll be able to deal with the harsh challenges of Frostpunk 2 and lead your city to a more unified future. Good luck!

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