Hair Fall Problem: Amla is a great source of vitamin C that helps relieve hairfall discomfort
Hair fall Treatment: Not only health in winter, hair problems also cause people's discomfort. In the cold months, the environment increases the dryness. It becomes difficult to take care of the hair between this drier and cold air because of this, the nourishment of the hair is almost exhausted. Also, the discomfort of dehydration in the hair increases in winter. That is why hair breakdown becomes very common this season. Not only that, in winter, people's metabolism becomes uncontrolled, which also increases the discomfort of hair breakdown.
To avoid hairfall, people are advised to include some essential elements in their hair care routine. Let us know:
Neem: These green leaves have anti-bacterial properties that help in eliminating fungal infections. This leads to a lot of fibre in the head so that the hair is nourished. Also, its use is able to address the problem of dehydration. This keeps the hair hydrated and strengthens them.
Beetleraj Oil: Beetleraj reduces hair loss. In addition to hairfall, these oils can also help prevent dandruff. For better hair health, the experts also recommend the use of beetles oil. It also contains vitamin E, which is considered suitable for hair growth.
Curry leaf: All use curry leaves to taste, but the curry card for hair is no less than a panacea. These leaves are rich in anti-oxidants and proteins that help prevent hairfall and blacken white hair. Amla: Amla is an excellent source of vitamin C which helps in eliminating hairfall problems. At the same time, it contains abundant minerals that are beneficial for hair.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil for hair is also beneficial because in most of its cases there is no side effects. It provides a moishchar to the hair and gets rid of the breakage.