Ok let's get to the real deal, for the cheese dough you will need:
500 grams Mozarella cut into strips
1 cup milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup fine semolina ( theen farkha in arabic)
In a large pot, put the milk and sugar on low heat until dissolved. Add bit by bit the mozarella and stretch it as you go along. Keep adding and stretching then add gradually the fine semolina (theen farkha) and stretch the cheese until it's all one piece like a dough. It has to be a smooth dough just like the photos.On a clean countertop, put the syrup you already prepared (2 cups sugar, 1 cup water, 1 tsp rose water and orange blossom, a lemon squeeze). Lay the dough and roll it on the syrup.
Cut the dough into squares and fill each square with the some of the Ashta ( cream filling, can be either fresh or home made as in Katayef recipe)
Roll each of the squares and line them in the serving tray. Garnish with ground pistachios. As simple as that, trust me it tastes much better than store bought!
try it and give me you feedback!
Bon Apetit!