Fashion Magazine

From #LuckyFABB // SEO & Top Social Media Trends

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

The main reason I was so excited to go to the #LuckyFABB conference is because I really wanted to learn more about social media and SEO for myself and my clients. Of course I was thrilled to have the chance to mingle with editors and other bloggers, but I honestly felt like I was there as an ambassador for my clients — how can I provide them with an edge over the competition? With this thought, I wanted to share a bit with you to, for those interested. I furiously typed away during these two presentations…such great info!

Lucky FABB: SEO Tips

There are many items I am not doing myself! Need to get on it.

Next up, a closing presentation by Randi Zuckerberg — a self-proclaimed Silicon Valley geek that I secretly want to be BFFs with:

LuckyFABB: Top Social Media Trends of 2012 Randi Zuckerberg

* * *

A few more notes:

Bloggers apparently have a TON of influence!
Retailers and fashion designers are taking note, and figuring out ways in which they can connect with the consumer through bloggers. Shopbop for example, changed the gray background of their product/model shots to white…for BLOGGERS. Another example: J Brand owner Jess Rudes mentioned that a huge contributing factor in the popularity of their colored jeans: BLOGGERS.

If you’re putting on an event/conference:
DO provide a live twitter and Instagram feed both at the event (on a large screen), and on your website. DO display both in your event literature and on a large screen the names, titles, companies, websites, and twitter handles of each speaker.

DON’T: have someone on your “Entrepeneur” panel who stole the “entrepreneurial” idea when my client went to her four years ago to partner on it. (Yep, this chic even went behind my client’s back, leased the space they were looking at, and hired her own branding company.) You guys have no idea how hard it was for me not to call her out.

If you’re at an event/conference (and don’t know anyone):
DO talk up the people sitting next to you. I met so many wonderful women (like the fab gals of Fashionably Bombed!) who are bright, stylish, hard-working, and new blog friends.

DON’T: close yourself off and act like you’re too good to be there. You never know who you’ll meet! I saw a lone woman taking her own photo and went up to her to ask if she wanted me to take it for her. Turns out it was actress Shiva Rose – beautiful and really sweet! She ended up interviewing me for a segment on KTLA 5. You just never know….

 * * *

Sorry for the long post! I wanted to be sure to get it all in for easy referencing!

To all you moms out there, hope you get to relax on Sunday and feel celebrated!

From #LuckyFABB // SEO & Top Social Media Trends

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