For those of you that just tuned in, From Grandma with Love is a twice-monthly series that is one of my faves! I'm lucky to be the recipient of my Grandmother-in-law's beautiful wardrobe. She owned so many unique pieces, and I've had the MOST FABULOUS time styling it on the blog. It's a win-win for me because I ADORE vintage and a fun excuse to wear it! This blog series will be every other Friday.

// Photography by Angie Garcia //
I mean... Can we just talk about this dress? I have a total obsession with most things black and white because they remind of a certain brand with double CC's (hint: Chanel), AND it's a classic combination. To say I was "excited" when I saw this dress is an understatement!
The contrast trim is so simple but makes such a great statement. This dress is timeless. Since it's a button up dress, it would be easy to wear as a longer jacket over jeans and a tee.
In a nod to the mod (60s style), the white booties were a perfect match for the dress. White booties are "in" this season, and I got this pair during the NSale! They have a low chunky heel (easy walking for momma) and double zippers (give it a cool factor).
THE STYLE Rx: You can't go wrong with black and white. On that note... it doesn't hurt to try the white bootie this season! Go head-to-toe in a winter white outfit or contrast it with a black dress!
With any new purchase, I always try to wear it multiple ways. During the Summer (it's still like Summer here), I wore it with denim shorts and a graphic tee. Mr. S HATED that outfit! I mean, HATED IT! I decided it was due to the denim cut off shorts (remember my explanation in this post).
Not wanting to give up my newly obtained white who-knows-for-how-long booties, I went for a completely different look with this vintage dress! #success The white booties would also be cute with skinny jeans, a sweater, and a good cropped puffer jacket OR a head-to-toe winter white outfit! Monochromatic outfits are always my fave and look so chic with minimal effort!
Two questions for you! Do you own a pair of white boots/booties? How do you wear them?
Happy Friday Loves! Hope everyone had a great week. We went on a Kindergarten Preview yesterday. Things are so different compared to when I attended Kindergarten! Kids learn so much these days! I'm still trying to work on Little M's potty regression. We had a great day yesterday because I set the timer for every hour, and he never had an accident. So, I'm attributing his accidents at school to be from too-busy-to-stop-to-go-potty syndrome!
We are celebrating Mr. S's stepfather's birthday this weekend! I'm excited to see the family! What are you up to?
dress VINTAGE { similar, love this and this, look for less}
earrings BAUBLEBAR c/o
ring VITA FEDE { pre-owned in silver, love this}
balcons du guadalquivir bracelet HERMES {pre-owned orange colorway}
boots DOLCE VITA { on sale in black/grey, similar}
bag CHANEL { pre-owned, look for less}
sunglasses PRADA