Fashion Magazine

Frocktober Week 3 Wrap

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

This past week I’ve been in Thailand on holiday, so didn’t manage to take as many photos as usual, but here are a few of my Frocktober efforts.

Don’t forget that I’m raising money for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation and would love, love, love you to make a small (or large) donation to help fund this vital cause.

Frocktober 16

Off to the pool – with a dress over a swimsuit

Frocktober 17

Poolside caftan glam – I made this caftan myself out of some silk chiffon.

Frocktober 2014

This is a Boo Radley dress which I love, it has a cotton blue slip underneath the chiffon overlay.

Frocktober 20

I discovered that a maxi dress is a great way of keeping the mosquitoes from biting my legs!

Frocktober 24

Back home and pretty tired from the trip, so looking bleary eyed.  Lovely hot day in Melbourne to get out a great another Boo Radley favorite (with a Verily slip dress underneath).

Frocktober 25

Today is my birthday (have some champagne for me, and if you want to give me present - please make a donation to my Frocktober fundraising efforts!).  Today I’m wearing a white slip with a New Zealand brand George chiffon top over it.

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