I love meals that are easy to fix so that I don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen. One Sunday afternoon, we were trying to figure out what we wanted to eat for lunch on the way home from church. My husband suggested that we try something that he once had at a church function a long time ago that he enjoyed. He said it was similar to Frito Pie but it had a few extra ingredients. So we stopped by the grocery store on the way home and picked up the ingredients.
Disclosure: This is a dish that we came up with one Sunday. Please feel free to re-blog this recipe as long as you give me proper credit.
Ingredients needed:
- 2-3 cans of chili with beans depending on the size of the can
- 2 boil in a bag instant rice
- Bag of Frito’s or corn chips
- Shredded Cheese
- Pico-de-gallo ( I buy the pre-made)
Heat up the cans of Chili on the stove while you prepare the boil in a bag instant rice in the microwave. I boil two bags at once for 12 minutes, adjust the cook time based upon your microwaves wattage. Once the rice is finished, drain the water and pour the rice back into the container that you used to cook the rice.
Serve a small amount of rice on the bottom of the bowl. Add a few corn chips, then cover the rice and corn chips with a chili. Garnish with shredded cheese and pico de gallo. Enjoy!
This is one of our favorite new dishes in our family. I hope that your family enjoys it too.
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