According to Joseph Bottum, Charles Taylor believes that 'Selves are formed in community, even when the community has ... decided, communally, that we each carry around our own unique, non-communal selves.'
Mark Vernon on Alasdair MacIntyre's virtue ethics
Pat Devine reviews a new book on Karl Polanyi's economics
A video of Chris Hedges speaking about his new book, the Death of the Liberal Class
George Prochnik on Vienna's 'Kaffeehaus Canon' (inc. a photo of Cafe Hawelka)
Matthew Gallaway on the 'city of dreams' in Musil's Man Without Qualities
Brad Johnson on Elias Canetti's Auto-da-Fé
Lesley Chamberlain on a collection of Karel Capek's short pieces
This fall, Random House will release Robert Walser's Berlin Stories as an e-book (trans. S. Bernofsky) (ht Wandering with Robert Walser)
Rudy Rucker on Cronenberg's Naked Lunch
Hari Kunzru's interview with Michael Moorcock
Recommended books for a novice reader of Rebecca West
Pamela Norris reviews Kathleen Jones' book on Katherine Mansfield
Lavinia Greenlaw on the Nova Scotian background of Elizabeth Bishop
Ange Mlinko on Robert Duncan and H. D.
The University of Chicago Press has released Powell's Dance to the Music of Time as 12 e-books
Murakami's 1Q84 to appear in English this year
Shashi Tharoor reviews Nelson Mandela's Conversations With Myself
Rare footage of the Ballets Russes
Another review of Kristin Hersh's memoir
P. J. Harvey reads Joyce, Pinter and T. S. Eliot