Happy Friday, people. I have been waiting patiently for the internet to stop talking about llamas and dresses.
In the meantime, check out the links below.
Marlo Scott, owner of Sweet Revenge, is hosting a class on How To Write A Business Plan on Saturday, February 28.
Heather Saffer, who wrote one of my favorite cookbooks, The Dollop Book of Frosting, now has a line of frostings that is being sold in grocery stores. Look for Dollop Frosting in Wegman's and other locations.
Dara Furlow, the founder of With Love From Brooklyn, has just launched a crowdfunding campaign on Barnraiser to start a sweet subscription service.
Alan Richardson and Karen Tack have a new cake art book coming out, "Cake My Day" and they're doing a pre-order contest. You can win some nice stuff.
Babette Pepaj and I are doing our next #GETBAKED Google Hangout/web chat about baking with booze this Sunday, March 1st.