Back in 2006, when I first started photography graffiti, I thought it would be interesting to get some kid's toys and photograph them amid the gritty territory I was exploring. So I bought two, a plastic model of Gojira (Godzilla in America), which promptly became Gojochan, and a hot-pink plush bear, Sparkychan. Here's some stories about their life: The Collected Adventures of Sparkychan & Gojochan (Thus Far). I've posted some photos of them below.
* * * * * Sparkychan meditating on the awesomeness of existence.
Gojochan raging against the dying of the night.Gogochan is attracted to Sparkychan's inner peace.
They talk of many things, including the decay of the urban infrastructure.They can read the writing on the wall. And it says, "get out while the getting's good."And so they hopped on the next trolly, a boggied on outa' there.And they went home watched the Powerpuff Girls. Such fun!The End