I first started shooting blind, that is, snapping the shutter without looking through the viewfinder to frame and focus the shot, when I wanted to get shots of flowers from below. The only reasonable way to get the shots was to hold the camera below the flower, aim it up, wait for the auto-focus to click, and snap the shot. It wasn’t something of a crapshoot since I didn’t have much control over the framing, but I got some decent shots.

So I decided to give it a try while walking the street. The idea, of course, is to get framings that I’d never deliberately go for. Some of the results are interesting.

But I also discovered that a large number of shots were tilted the same way. That’s one thing when you look at one shot or two. But when you look at a bunch, it becomes overwhelming.
At the moment I’m thinking that this is not so interesting as the flowers shots. I’m not finding familiar objects and scenes at odd angles very compelling. It certainly doesn’t pull me like the shaky cam does. But I’ll probably give it another go.
Here’s some more shots.