Now we've got an actual photograph:
I like it. I think it's a good photograph, But it beats me why, at 7028 views it's my most popular photo. Same here. At 5857 views, this is second:
Nice photo. But really, are figs that popular/interesting? I really like this one, young cabbage right after the rain, 5445 views:
This next one, another mystery. Why 4952 views? It's not particularly attractive. Maybe it's the name I gave it – back when I suffered under the quaint idea that I should name photos I uploaded – "last flight to Jupiter blue". Maybe people were expecting a photo of Jupiter; maybe some even think that's what this is. NO. It's just an ordinary photograph of a small plane pulling a sign across the sky that I photoshopped at bit.
I did this one a year after "Jupiter blue". It's called "super secret government laboratory in a place that nobody can ever know about". That's almost believable, and it got me 4739 views.
Took that on November 28, 2006. Took the next one on September 14, 2013; 4686. The appeal is obvious, no?