Food & Drink Magazine

Friday Fives: Top 5 Healthier Eating Treats!

By Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

As you probably know from my Weekly Wednesday Weigh In Posts - I am attempting (somewhat unsuccessfully at the moment!) to lose my Baby Weight.
I have recently been lucky to try out some new Food products and have been using them whilst trying to lose weight in an attempt to keep me on the straight & narrow!
Here is my Top 5 Of Products that have helped me stick to the diet this week!1. Weight Watchers Hot Chocolate
Friday Fives: Top 5 Healthier Eating Treats!
Weight Watchers Select Hot Chocolate is a new product from Weight Watchers which is a luxurious made-with-milk drink that contains 50% real chocolate and contains only 92 calories per serving.I find this to be a real help when I'm craving a chocolate fix!
2. Dairylea's New Flavour Cheese Spreads!Friday Fives: Top 5 Healthier Eating Treats!
As anybody with a young baby will know, finding the time and energy to rustle up something tasty for lunch can be difficult! And for me this is where the temptation to just grab a chocolate bar comes in - so when I was asked to try out the new Dairylea flavours I finally found my lunch time saviour!These are so handy to have in the fridge, ready to quickly smear on a piece of toast or a slice of bread at lunchtime!
The Springy Onion flavor was a nice, subtle change from the standard Dairylea but was more of a hit with my partner than me and he polished off the tub!
But the Mighty Mature - OH MY DAYS!!! This has become one of my absolute favorite food products and I will absolutely be buying this again and again - it is delicious!Its simple cheese spread but with a mature and tangy flavor - absolutely delicious on toast! And because its so mature, you don't need much of it to get a big flavor hit - meaning less calories consumed! Winner!
The lovely people at Dairylea sent me a Tesco giftcard and suggested some products to buy to use along with the Dairylea to find what my favorite was - I tried them all and have to say that for me, simple toast works best with the Mighty Mature and Tortilla wraps are brilliant with the Springy Onion!!!
3. Ryvita!
Friday Fives: Top 5 Healthier Eating Treats!
Now the perfect accompaniment to the aforementioned cheese spread, is Ryvita!! So I was very pleased when Ryvita sent over a LOVELY package full of products designed to help us new mums relax....Bath soak, face mask, Cadbury Chocolate Spread (which did NOT help my diet!!!), Strawberries and - of course - Ryvita!! 
I have been a fan of Ryvita for a long time - I love their original cracker bread! But the Ryvita Chilli Thins and Fruit Crunch were completely new to me and were a real tasty treat!!!
I highly recommend them for anybody who is currently on a mission to eat healthier!!!
4. Laughing Cow Light with Emmental 
Friday Fives: Top 5 Healthier Eating Treats!
Yes yes, I know its another cheese spread! But what can I say?! I LIKE cheese spreads!!They are IDEAL for busy mums looking for a quick but tasty lunch who only have one hand free!
The Laughing Cow Light with Emmental are absolutely gorgeoys - SO tasty and at only 25 calories per triangle, there is no guilty feeling associated with them!!! 
I personally find them really handy to just grab and munch on as they are - I've loved eating cheese triangles straight from the wrapper since I was a kid and I'm showing no signs of growing out of it!But at least the new range with Emmental and Blue cheese feel a bit more grown up.....
5. Welchs Grape Juice Drinks
Friday Fives: Top 5 Healthier Eating Treats!
Soft drinks are my absolute weakness - I HATE water and so for me, cans of pop are my big fall down when trying to eat healthier!I crave the sweetness and the satisfaction of a pleasant, cooling drink.So for me, the Welchs Grape Juices have been an absolute lifesaver on my current healthier eating kick!!
The White Grape and Raspberry flavor is gorgeous on a hot day but the Rose Grape Light is my absolute favorite - delicious!If you'd like to try the Welchs range for yourself, why not enter my competition to win yourself a whole mixed case of Welchs Juice drinks?!
Just fill in the Rafflecopter form below to enter!
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