Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Favorites + Happy March!

By Cait @caitscozycorner
I can't believe we're already into March! This year is seriously flying by as we're into the 3rd month of the year and we have so many fun and exciting things to look forward to this month.
Friday Favorites + Happy March!The first one of course is my sister gets married this month! Ahh- how did we get here already?! I'm so excited to celebrate with our family and friends and share in such joy and happiness that my sissy is now a married woman! Plus- I adore my new brother in law so it's so exciting so add such a great member to our family! Her bachelorette party was one heck of a time so I can't wait to see everything come together for her big day in a few weeks! Plus these at home work outs have not only been kicking me butt but make me feel my best self in my bridesmaid dress!
Friday Favorites + Happy March!
I also can't wait to start our new BOOK CLUB novel that so many of you voted and couldn't also wait to read this month. Those of you that have already read it was a great page turner so I'm ready to dive in! How about you?
Friday Favorites + Happy March!This month also is the start, hopefully, of me attempting to start working on Couch to 5k. Part of my warrior dash motivation in the next few months will be working on the 5k section. I hate running to be honest so I'm hoping to just throw a podcast on and do my best every day until July. Any tips to help me start running and sticking to it?
The hubby and I have also been working on not eating any carbs and per your requests when I asked on my Instagram Stories why I was so tired in the middle of the day- many of you said watch my sugar intake and don't push myself too much ( which of course I had been eating too many carbs and sweets ). I'm feeling so much better and now starting my morning off with a smoothie and a protein bar plus my beloved coffee! Has taking something out of your diet helped you feel more energized?
I'm also loving a few cute spring dresses ( and can't wait to share an awesome American Eagle and Amazon haul in my stories so stay tuned for that )
I loved this colorful dress and these cute joggers that are on sale right now!

What are some things you are looking forward to this month? Share with me in the comments below!
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