Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Favorites

By Cait @caitscozycorner
This week was so much better than last week that's for sure. Perhaps because we actually have ZERO plans for this weekend for the first time in over a month. I can't tell you how excited that makes me ha. My parents are actually leaving town to attend a concert ( I swear they are so much cooler than me sometimes ) so my little family and I get the house to ourselves.  Thankfully the weather is going to be warming up to so I see a few long walks in our future and a few ice cream visits. Anyone else?!
Since it's Friday and we are all loving our big weekend ahead, I wanted to share a few favorites that I've come across the last week.
Friday Favorites
1. 1850 Coffee. A few of you saw on my Insta Stories some BTS I've been working with 1850 coffee. I tried their vanilla iced coffee and oh-em-gee it's amazing! You need to run out and grab some yourself if you're a coffee lover like myself and to be honest, I'm not a huge iced coffee fan but this changed my mind within sips of swallowing.
Friday Favorites
2. Sunglasses- I shared this post about my love for 21 sunglasses under $21 and I've found a few more that I just grabbed thanks to Amazon awesome prices. Have you scored any great sunglasses recently?
Friday Favorites
3. Friday Night Lights - You all are the BEST for telling me a few bindge worthy shows to enjoy. I know I'm always late to some great shows but I've heard THIS show talked about a lot when we lived in Atlanta and you all do not disappoint. I'm only the first season but I so appreciate you turning me to some great shows while I'm still getting used to this SAHM moments.
Friday Favorites
4. Overalls - I've been on the hunt to find the perfect overalls for this 5'2 Mom and I found a few favorites. I'm waiting for them to  come in the mail but THIS FOR $34 and THIS are ones I'm super excited to try on for you all soon.
Friday Favorites
5. Landon Turned One - I still can't believe I have a one year old now. I loved celebrating Landon's birthday over the weekend and then his official big day this past Tuesday. He's slowly learning to walk, taking a few steps here and there and scanning furniture. I forget how crazy this part is for everyone, especially with him climbing stairs as quickly as he can!
What are some things you are loving this week friends?!Tell me your weekend plans! 
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