This week was forever long. It all started Sunday night when we realized we had given Landon some banana and he ended up throwing up the majority of the night. Turns out he's pretty allergic to them ( and we had to find out the hard way with a scared and of course, miserable little guy for a few hours). That same night Lily kept getting up from her room to try and sleep with us because she was scared and 3 or 4 times we had to keep bringing her back to her room. That left us with a few hours of sleep if that. Goodness.
The rest of the week was up and down for both kids. Still both not sleeping through the night- I attempted to give Landon his first bottle of formula the other night because my supply is severely dwindling and in my hast I didn't even read the can and realized the next morning it was a milk based formula ( as majority of them all are ) and his eczema was in full force! Well that just made us realize his milk allergy is there. I truly felt awful though and thanks to all your help, I was able to start him on Similac Alimentum . So far so good. Phew!
Okay so that was a huge sum of our crazy week so can you tell I'm praying we have a low key weekend? Thankfully we do with a few things in the works, especially getting ready for the Thanksgiving next week. This year is a little different as it's just our family and my sister is flying down. Woo! Anyways- let's get started on a few Friday Favorite shall we! As usual I'm sharing what I'm enjoying this week in hopes to inspire and encourage you all to share what you are loving too in the comments below!
1. Halo Sleep Sacks - I shared this on my Insta Stories about these adorable Halo Sleep Sacks! I'm going to go a bit more in depth on why I love this brand and why I picked these particular ones out for my little man so stay tuned for that!
2. GIVEAWAY - Last week I raved on this amazing map necklace D.Geller and Son let me design with them. Basically you are able to put any street or location on a map and pinpoint a spot with a small diamond. There are so many fun and unique things to think of such as where you met your significant other, your childhood home, where you became engaged/married or a place that you love to travel too. So many of you also shared my love of this incredible map necklace that we chatted and decided that a Giveaway had to be done! If you live in Georgia, you do NOT want to miss this. Here's how to enter!
3. Buffalo Plaid - I'm have become obsessed with this print for the colder months. Although it doesn't get super chilly here in Atlanta, we'll be traveling back up north to visit our Iowa friends and family over Christmas ( Landon's first time seeing snow !! ) and I wanted to grab some warmer gear for the kids! Thank goodness Old Navy and Carters has some of the cutest items ( goodbye money ) so I grabbed a few things. You may be seeing more in the future..