Thank goodness it is FRIDAY friends! Did this week drag for anyone else? Maybe for us Atlanta livin' individuals it has been raining off and on for the past 5 days and I just need some sunshine back into my life. I'm really excited to be heading on a jet plane tomorrow morning to visit one of my favorite cities so hop on my Snapchat and Insta Stories to see where I'm going! Plus a fun concert is in the works too!
In honor of anticipating a super fun and exciting weekend, I wanted to share some things I'm loving lately! If you're new around the blog, this is where I share some things I've been enjoying with you all. Of course I always love hearing what YOU enjoy too so feel free to share in the comments!
1. Traveling - While I don't love to fly, I do enjoy going to new places and experiencing new things! This trip that I'm heading on isn't exactly new, but I'm just so excited to be going here ( and kid free might I add ). This Mom really needs a break. The last month and a half back at work has been non stop ( including watching both kids for 5 days alone ) so I'm anxious for a little R&R..but who am I kidding- we'll be going a mile a minute. Confused? Just wait!
2. Skinny Pop - I have an unhealthy obsession with Skinny Pop. No really- I mean like, I want to eat it breakfast, lunch and dinner..and a few snacks in between? It's just so delicious and easy to grab and go for this busy, working Mom. My other favorite thing about Skinny Pop is that not only are they dairy free, GMO free + a good source of fiber but they actually pair great with some of my favorite drinks to enjoy during a hot day. Pairing such as blackberry smash and aged white cheddar skinny pop! You're welcome to get your drinks ready for your party tonight! What are your favorite pairings?
3. Working Out Apparel - I shared Wednesday how much I'm loving my new work out attire that was sent to my for the month of August. Ellie Active wear is a subscription box that send you work out apparel ( 3 pieces ) for $39.99 or 5 pieces ( your tank, sports bra and pants + 2 additional accessories to use the work out pieces at home ) for $49.99. As a Mom with 2 kids ( one just recently 3 months ago ) I can't say enough about how comfortable I feel wearing this to get my body back in shape. Comfort is KEY for me to want to work out in so you know I'm being competently honest about it! You can even use my code CAITWILKER for a discount! Let me know what you think friends!
Image: Instagram4. Organization - I have the sweet and talented Tyler coming to my home next week to discuss ways we can organize a room and make it more functional. You may have seen her on Brittany's blog a few weeks ago and I just adored her and her ideas! I can't wait to work with her and keep you in the loop about what we're doing + a little discount code for you too will be coming your way once I have everything put in it's place.
What are you loving this week?