Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Favorites

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Were onto Friday and it's been one heck of a week friends! It was my first week back at work and it's no cake walk that's for sure to try and get home at a decent hour again, grab my toddler, make dinner, get both kids ready for a bath, attempt to feed Landon while Lily reads us books before bed and somehow pass out by 10pm only to wake up 2 hours later to nurse the little man again.
By no means am I attempting to complain here, but it's a huge adjustment for our family for sure. I admit I've had a few freak out moments because I'm one that needs a schedule and sticks to it like no other. If things aren't ready, I scramble and I absolutely hate that feeling! Anyways- enough of the crazy talk because it's Friday and WOOOO a fun weekend already in the works because it's Fourth Of July already on  Tuesday! So let's dive into some Friday favorites shall we?
Friday Favorites
1. Budgeting - If you've been around the blog and my Insta Stories lately you saw some pretty fun, unique and quiet expensive items that Zach and I purchased. We've worked really hard the last few months and treated one another to some nice things for the home and ourselves. However, we realized that now with two kids in daycare, we need to cut back and actually are making some fun ( and free ) date ideas with the kids to help us with our spending. I'm all about rewarding yourself when you've been working hard- but just in moderation ;)
Friday Favorites
2. Cook Outs- Now that we're officially in summer mode here in Georgia ( and the humidity isn't super crazy ) we have some fun cook out plans happening this weekend with friends! I love enjoying a cold drink, watching the kids play and diving into some yummy grilled appetizers and entries! What's your favorite?
3. Physical Therapy - I briefly touched base on this a few weeks ago when I wasn't exactly cleared at my 6 week check out appointment after having Landon. I found out that I have Diastasis Recti which in other words just means my upper abs are separated due to pregnancy. For me, my separation is about 2 fingers width apart so I'll be working with a physical therapist who I met Wednesday to help push them back together.
Friday Favorites
4. Fresh Flowers- Although we're on a budget, some favorites I've been loving to bring home are gorgeous bouquets of flowers I've been finding at Trader Joes. They have the best bouquets that last for day and just puts a huge smile on my face! Anyone else love smell of fresh flowers too and a good cup of coffee in the morning?!
Happy Friday friends!What are your plans this weekend? 
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