I also love sharing with you some of my favorites of the week! As always feel free to share what you're enjoying in the comment below!
1. Baby Kicks- I joke with all my friends and family that this active little boy is training to be a ninja warrior in my stomach. The last week has been full on kicks, punches and lots of stretching and moving around either right after eating lunch or when I finally lay down after a long day of work! I swear he was doing flips the other night! 17 weeks to go!

2. Cherries - Funny thing with being pregnant are the cravings. Normally I'm really not a big cherry lover but the other day I had a smoothie and added a few handfuls of ripe red cherries and am hooked! I really shocked myself since it's never anything I'm wanting if I'm not pregnant!

4. New Year. New Meaning. Someone mentioned to me that their families are going to write down one word each week or something fun that happened and place it in a jar. At the end of the year, they're going to open the jar and read all the memorable moments that happens. I thought that was SUCH a great idea that I may start to do it too!
5. Snow Day- Okay so it's not really a snow day here in Atlanta but we're going to be hit with some great winter blizzard around the noon/mid afternoon time today so I'm anxious to get out early, get home safe with my toddler and husband and buckle down for the weekend! I'm thinking a few fun projects are in order which I know Zach will be so excited to do!

6. Cat Condo -If you're friends with me on Snapchat ( @CaitW22) you saw that we bought our 2 cats a late Christmas gift but one they desperately need; a cat condo! It's about 6 feet tall and if I do say so myself, pretty awesome. Lily thinks it's a jungle gym for her.. umm sorry kid.
Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend!What are your plans?