Books Magazine

Friday Cocktail

By Brian Abbott
Martinez cocktail

Martinez cocktail

In the mood for something classic, but different?  Try the Martinez cocktail.

This cocktail is a mix between a classic martini and a Manhattan and dates back nearly as far.  There are some claims that this drink preceded the martini, and others that it came after.  The drink may have been created for San Francisco bar patrons living in nearby Martinez in the late 1800s.  Or not.  As is the case with many cocktails, the provenance of their creation is often shrouded in history and foggy memories.

Here’s one story and recipe version on Food Republic, posted in 2012.

There is some quibble about the Martinez’s ingredients.  Perhaps because of its similarity to the martini, I’ve seen some recipes call for dry vermouth!  This would not be correct.  Sweet vermouth is the more generally accepted choice.

What you’ll need:  Gin, Sweet Vermouth, Maraschino, and Bitters

In a shaker over cracked ice, pour in 2 ounces of gin, 1 ounce of sweet vermouth, a teaspoon of maraschino (or Curaçao).  Add in a couple dashes of bitters and shake thoroughly.  Strain into your cocktail glass of choice and serve.  Optionally, garnish with a twist of lemon or orange peel.

How I like it:  I recently had this at a bar, which did not list maraschino as an ingredient, and they used rhubarb bitters–yes, that does exist!  I’ve also seen recipes that use Curaçao (or triple sec) in place of the maraschino.  For the drink pictured, I substituted triple sec, but it doesn’t particularly need it.  Bitters, however, are a must.  No matter what flavor you use.  I used papaya bitters.

Toast a classic and drink responsibly!

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