Books Magazine

Friday Cocktail

By Brian Abbott
Affinity cocktail

Affinity cocktail

Stare deep into the dark amber liquid and what may you discover?  A taste for this variation of a Manhattan, perhaps?  Try an Affinity cocktail.

The Affinity cocktail has been around since the early 1960s, and likely earlier.  This variation of a Manhattan uses Scotch instead of bourbon (or whiskey) and eschews any cherry garnish.  Most traditional recipes for this drink call for equal portions of the main three ingredients, but some variations have cropped up that weight the drink in favor of more Scotch.

What you’ll need:  Scotch, Dry Vermouth, Sweet Vermouth and bitters.

In a shaker over cracked ice, pour in 1 part each scotch, dry vermouth and sweet vermouth. Add in a dash or two of bitters. Stir well and then strain into a cocktail glass.  The original recipe called for a mere 3/4 ounce, but I’ve upped that to 1 1/2 ounce to suit today’s typical portions.

How I like it:  Equal portions are best.  Shaken or stirred, this one is smooth, sweet-tasting drink that makes for an alternative to the usual Manhattans.  The taste will likely vary depending on which Scotch you use.  I used Dewar’s.  And though Angostura bitters are recommended, consider using different, flavored-bitters such as orange or papaya.

Seek your affinity and drink responsibly!

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